ASA problemen, ASA problems
Weet er iemand wat doe ik verkeerd doe, als ik grotere prints maak met ASA loopt het altijd mis? Welke instellingen zou ik moeten wijzigen? Ik print met een i3 MK3S+ en gebruik de Prusa slicer. Bekijk de foto's. deze is geprint met een nozzel van 0.8. Groeten, Ludo
Does anyone know what I am doing wrong, when I make larger prints with ASA it always goes wrong? What settings should I change? I print with an i3 MK3S+ and use the Prusa slicer. Look at the pictures. this one is printed with a 0.8 nozzle. Greetings, Ludo
RE: ASA problemen, ASA problems
Printing with ASA is not easy. It shrinks and warps. You need to keep the temperature warmer around the print for the whole print process to lower the cooling speed. Read up on printing with ASA. I just tried insulating my enclosure and it made a big difference on the print I was doing. Enclosure temperature was in the 38 degree range. From what I have read is should be warmer than 38 degrees for tall narrow prints. You can use a cardboard box and maybe a blanket over your printer and test.
I just happened to have this page open in another tab.
RE: ASA problemen, ASA problems
Dank u, ik heb de temperatuur ook steeds wat hoger gezet op de bodemplaat.
RE: ASA problemen, ASA problems
I hope it works for you. BTW, I like the new translate feature in Firefox to understand your message.
RE: ASA problemen, ASA problems
Ik hoor ook dat het witte filament gevoeliger is dan het donker type.
I also hear that the white filament is more sensitive than the dark type.