Aligning modifier to model feature?
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Aligning modifier to model feature?  

Trusted Member
Aligning modifier to model feature?

Is it possible to align modifier to specific feature of the model. For example, if there is need to set different number of perimeters for hole, I add cylinder modifier but it is created positioned of  model so I have to align it with hole.

So far,   I found no other way but to move modifier manually and try to eyeball it.

Respondido : 21/10/2021 10:41 am
Illustrious Member

Correct, there is not really any other way to do so.  Not in PS currently anyway. 

If you are modelling your own models though and are using a normal stl export/import then you can create your modifier shapes in your CAD software and position them where you want.  Then making sure that when you export your stl files you do NOT combine the shapes when imported into PS you can then select split to PARTS (not objects).  That will make each of the shapes from your cad selectable in the tree on the right but the relative positioning wont change.  You can then select the shapes you want to be modifiers, right click and change type from PART to Modifier.  Once its a modifier you can then assign the settings as usual.


Respondido : 21/10/2021 11:40 am
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
Aligning modifier to model feature?

Hmm, interesting idea. Thanks for a tip.

Respondido : 22/10/2021 8:47 am