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Frustration with Prusa Communication  

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RE: Frustration with Prusa Communication


Posted by: @staldy

In my opinion, for most of us, waiting isn’t the main issue. However, one thing is clear: Prusa could definitely be more precise about the delays. I don’t believe they withhold information because they don’t care or don’t have any idea. I think they might prefer giving approximate timelines so people won’t say, “You told me it would ship yesterday, and it didn’t.” Nowadays, people are extremely impatient and often fail to consider the challenges and setbacks companies face.

This ^

This has always been my trouble with Prusa pre-orders. It's the fact that we know what Prusa shipping timescales are like, and things slip due to the high demand, but it's the lack of communication that gets me. They hold onto full up-front payment, but there are literally no updates when deadlines slip - surely they should at least send out an automated email to all customers who have ordered keeping them informed throughout the process. Other companies do this, I don't see why Prusa can't at this stage.....

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Posted : 17/01/2025 10:52 am
tomtim liked
Eminent Member
RE: Frustration with Prusa Communication

According to reddit, commented by Mikolas Zuza from Prusa, they should start sending Core One next week.

Posted : 17/01/2025 11:51 am
LarGriff liked
RE: Frustration with Prusa Communication


Posted by: @pepan-3

According to reddit, commented by Mikolas Zuza from Prusa, they should start sending Core One next week.

Great news. The information I've got on Prusa chat a few days ago was not so optimistic (I was told that the production will start till the end of January).

Posted : 19/01/2025 2:12 pm
Active Member
RE: Frustration with Prusa Communication


Posted by: @reinvented-tech


Posted by: @pepan-3

According to reddit, commented by Mikolas Zuza from Prusa, they should start sending Core One next week.

Great news. The information I've got on Prusa chat a few days ago was not so optimistic (I was told that the production will start till the end of January).

I already read something like this two weeks ago, and it’s so confusing. This isn’t meant to be a sarcastic analysis—I’m genuinely asking about it. I’ve never owned a company or run a business, so I don’t really know what I’m talking about, but I would like to understand because it’s interesting.

How can a company present a product in November, already be using it in their printer farm, announce that shipping starts in January, but only begin production in January?

Even with this confusion, I’ll stick with Prusa. I don’t mind waiting. My comment isn’t meant to harm or question Prusa’s strategy in any way—I’m just curious to understand how this works.



Posted : 19/01/2025 2:59 pm
RE: Frustration with Prusa Communication

How can a company present a product in November, already be using it in their printer farm, announce that shipping starts in January, but only begin production in January?

They explained the reason. They announced the new product in November, so that people buying MK4S on Black Friday and Christmas wouldn't be disappointed.

Posted : 19/01/2025 3:45 pm
Razor liked
Reputable Member
RE: Frustration with Prusa Communication

The printer I saw in November appears to me to be more a beta version than the production version.  Strong competition with BambuLab forced them to announce the printer asap.

So I expect many details to be defined in the coming months, and will be sold as upgrades, but the basic functionalities should work now.
Knowing Prusa, I suppose that while they are preparing thousands of packaging to be shipped, at the same time, they are still doing their best to have a perfect product in shipping. This means to have their Develop Technical Team still testing and changing printer parts and specs that they suddenly discover are not working or not working as expected, since they do not want have unhappy customers. In the worst cases, this may mean updating the closed packages. 😉 

Remember that when the MK4 was first released they discover too late to have random issues with the LCD boards, and they had to fight to send new LCD to the customers and spent lots of time with the Prusa Support. I am sure they do not want to repeat the same error with Core One.

Of course this could cause delays on shipping or uncertain shipping dates, but we are still in January and all is still in schedule as promised.


Posted : 19/01/2025 7:00 pm
Razor liked
Trusted Member
RE: Frustration with Prusa Communication

The Core one will be my fourth Prusa. I did buy a new on release MK3, new on release SL1 and yes for both shipping dates did slip and nothing was communicated until very close to the real shipping date. 

Doesn't bother me. I prefer a better printer to an early shipping printer. I also do expect the Core One to need a Core One+ upgrade to be perfect. Again not bothered, I enjoy the process and I do love my Prusa's.

Posted : 21/01/2025 8:12 pm
Razor and iftibashir liked
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Frustration with Prusa Communication


Fantastic news. Can't wait till upgrade kit order starts 

One grain of salt, though. Can't figure out if I want to install MMU3 or not 



Posted : 22/01/2025 8:12 pm
Daniel H
Active Member
RE: Frustration with Prusa Communication

Love your answer !!! 👍👍

Posted by: @netpackrat
Posted by: @mark-p

Just a thought, if they had thousands ready for shipment, how come by now - no you tubers have had theirs to share the love with us mere mortals?

Prusa has historically had little trouble selling every printer they can make, and usually there has been a waiting list/lead time.  Therefore, they don't have much incentive to send printers which could otherwise have been sold to paying customers, to influencers in an effort to generate additional sales of printers they usually can't make fast enough anyway.  Mostly it would just annoy loyal customers who got their orders in right away, to have to watch some youtuber who got put to the head of the line, while everybody else is still waiting for theirs.


Posted : 23/01/2025 2:51 am
RE: Frustration with Prusa Communication

I ordered the Core One before Christmas.  When their website says that they are shipping in January, that is an expectation I as a customer should be able to rely on.  

I contacted customer service today, and to say the exchange was frustrating is an understatement.  They must think we are all babies who do not know anything.  Essentially they said they don't know when they are shipping and that they have not even started production.  But at the same time they said there are still two days left in the month and they can still ship.  They then went on to say they can't estimate shipping dates because they don't know their own manufacturing capacity.  Again BS.  Prusa has been taking orders since November or December and you cannot estimate your requirements for manufacturing?  Spare me the BS.

I am patient and understanding.  If they're going to be late shipping then just say so and stop blowing smoke up my ass.  But misleading customers and not clearly communicating or setting expectations is absolutely horrid customer server, and frankly ruins the whole customer experience. 

FYI this is my first Prusa purchase...I am no fan boy and don't spend my life on forums about the stuff.... but I had to comment on this issue.  Prusa, get it together.

Posted : 29/01/2025 4:00 pm
RE: Frustration with Prusa Communication

Oh I will add this.  Prusa took my hard earned cash, so I do have the right to have accurate information about my order.

Posted : 29/01/2025 4:01 pm
RE: Frustration with Prusa Communication

I'm not sure I agree with Mike above.   I too am a first time buyer - but I did my research and was well aware that Prusa and new product launches can have frustrating shipping delays.   You say you ordered before Christmas - but there were up to 35 days since Nov 19 when orders opened - assuming you ordered sometime in December it is foolish to expect yours would ship in January at all.

I ordered mine on day 1, albeit late in the evening - I don't expect mine to ship in January, tho I am hopeful it'll be soon in Feb.   I'm not going to complain about the poor Support folks who probably don't have a detailed schedule of how many units and how they map to the queue of orders and when exactly yours will ship.

Posted : 29/01/2025 7:26 pm
Alejandro Maestre
Active Member
RE: Frustration with Prusa Communication

I fully agree with what Mike said and disagree with PaulGregg’s point of view. Let’s be clear: as a customer, I have no way of calculating the number of orders placed by other users, nor can I know Prusa’s production capacity. It is unreasonable to expect a customer to make absurd calculations about when their order will be delivered.

The company is responsible for providing clear information to its customers regarding delivery times. If they are unable to determine when a product will be shipped, they should simply state, "We cannot provide an estimated shipping date," and let customers make their decisions based on that information.

When we placed our order, the website clearly stated that the product would be shipped in January, which has not happened. In early January, when some of us contacted support, we were told that we would receive the printer soon. However, we can now say with certainty that nothing will be delivered in January, and we have no idea whether it will even arrive in February.

Therefore, I kindly ask that anyone who refuses to understand this valid criticism—especially fanboys—recognize that they are missing the point entirely.

Posted : 30/01/2025 9:40 am
Trusted Member
RE: Frustration with Prusa Communication

It’s still January.😳

Posted by: @alejandro-maestre

When we placed our order, the website clearly stated that the product would be shipped in January, which has not happened.


Posted : 30/01/2025 2:29 pm
Taubin liked
Alejandro Maestre
Active Member
RE: Frustration with Prusa Communication
RE: Frustración con Prusa Communication

Todavía estamos en enero. 😳

I hope I'm wrong, but I highly doubt that tomorrow they will ship all the orders placed in 2024.

I should add, in case it's not clear, that I absolutely love Prusa’s products. If I’m criticizing these communication issues with customers, it’s precisely because I care. Otherwise, I would simply switch to a competitor and wouldn’t bother participating in this forum.

Posted : 30/01/2025 2:40 pm
Prominent Member
RE: Frustration with Prusa Communication

They said shipped in January - not delivered in let's see if they can get them out their doors in the next 24 hours! lol


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Posted : 30/01/2025 3:53 pm
Razor and Pepan liked
Eminent Member
RE: Frustration with Prusa Communication

Prusas are worth the wait. They'll all be delivered and printing before you know it.

Posted : 30/01/2025 6:25 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Frustration with Prusa Communication

And just like that, this thread is dead... 😀 

Mini+MK3S+XL 5 Tool

Posted : 03/02/2025 9:01 pm
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