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Layershifts printing tall slightly sloped parts  

New Member
Layershifts printing tall slightly sloped parts

I'm attempting to print a scale model of a rocket.  I keep getting layer shifts where the outer edge is printed slightly wider than it should be.  The layer shift is not biased to one direction.  It's a circular model and the entire layer is wider than it should be. This continues for about 5 layers and then it is back to the correct position.

The layer shifts occur in the same spot for the part, different heights for different parts.  

I lubed and cleaned all axis but didn't help.

Napsal : 27/06/2022 9:47 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Layershifts printing tall slightly sloped parts

Hello and welcome,

maybe you observe something similiar like the-benchy-hull-line.

Are changes visible in the slicer at those layers when you move the slider right of the sliced model down to those?

Napsal : 27/06/2022 10:17 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Layershifts printing tall slightly sloped parts

With the top section (top/first photo) there are two shifts.  First is a switch from gap fill to perimeter, then second is the opposite.

Napsal : 27/06/2022 10:58 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Layershifts printing tall slightly sloped parts

This thread might also apply to your problem:


Napsal : 28/06/2022 5:27 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:

This appears to be the culprit. I adjusted perimeter width, perimeter speed, and enabled thin wall detection.  It didn't eliminate it entirely but close enough.

Thanks a lot!

Posted by: @blauzahn

This thread might also apply to your problem:



This post was modified před 3 years by kreneskyp
Napsal : 28/06/2022 11:19 pm