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Step 14 Extruder assembly - serious problem with M3x40  

Active Member
Step 14 Extruder assembly - serious problem with M3x40

Dear all,

everything went well and smoothly up to step 14. Unfortunately the step 14 it contains an error:


* Insert two M3x40 screws, you've prepared earlier. Tighten them, but be careful, they are slightly longer (2-3 mm), than the thickness of the entire assembly
And this is the expected result, with 2.3 mm exceeding screws:
Unfortunately m3x40 screws are too long for this part, as screws exceed by 14 mm over the bottom place:
Below the part, there is a m3x14 screw as example:
which matches exactly the exceeding length.
With this, I cannot assemble the X-carriage as shown in the step 19.
How can fix this?

Thank you for your help.


Napsal : 04/11/2020 3:20 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Step 14 Extruder assembly - serious problem with M3x40

Did you install the extruder cover in step 14? That would explain the screws sticking out that much.


Napsal : 04/11/2020 9:32 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Step 14 Extruder assembly - serious problem with M3x40

Yes, sure!

And as you can see from the picture, both supposed "M3x40" screws remain raised only by a few millimetres (2-3 at most, see orange arrows) with respect to the hot hand assembly component , when placed to the box.


I guess that this is not possible, unless a big misunderstanding.

The hothand assembly height is about 28 mm:

while the total length if a M3x40 screw is more than 40 mm:

That's why the screws protrude by 14 mm, much more than the expected 2 mm. 
Unfortunately there are no M3x25 screws in the box, which probably fit better.

I am stuck here.


Napsal : 05/11/2020 10:40 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Step 14 Extruder assembly - serious problem with M3x40

Ah!!!! That's clear now: there is an important MISSING step in the Part 14 of this tutorial.


This tutorial chapter must be fixed as soon as possible, specially for new users.

Now is perfect:


Napsal : 05/11/2020 12:53 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Step 14 Extruder assembly - serious problem with M3x40

These steps are in the manual.

I checked my printed manual and the online manual and both have this step in it.

In step 11 you prepared the cover and in step 14 it is marked with a purple dot.


Place the Extruder-cover on the Extruder-body. Again, make sure that all three parts are properly aligned.


And on the 3rd picture it is marked with a purple arrow (not very clear in the printed manual)


Read all instructions carefully and happy printing when you have it fully assembled.

Napsal : 05/11/2020 6:55 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Step 14 Extruder assembly - serious problem with M3x40

Thank you for point this out.

Napsal : 06/11/2020 7:51 am