Printer stops and cools down in middle of print/ (sometimes loses step?)
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Printer stops and cools down in middle of print/ (sometimes loses step?)  

New Member
Printer stops and cools down in middle of print/ (sometimes loses step?)

If there's already a thread covering this, feel free to link me. I have terrible luck with search bars.

I have a MK2S I bought used and it ran like a top for months. Then I re-covered the build plate and I've only managed a handful of successful prints out of about a dozen, since. 

The biggest issue is that it will sometimes just stop and cool down where it is, in the middle of a print, without returning to home.  I can restart it without issue and it may or may not do it again, but it's happened several times. 

I don't know if it's related, but I've also had a couple of prints where the build plate will suddenly shift at one layer in the Y-Axis, even on prints that I had made dozens of times over. The most recent example (hopefully) linked below

While investigating this I had found one of the build plate heating cables had broken, which I re-soldered, but both of these issues occurred again, afterwards. 

Here is an example of the pattern shift -

For this I slowed down the traverse speed and acceleration greatly after this, and I got the "Shut off and cool down in place" issue, again. I've, since, taken apart the hot end to clean that because the filament I was most recently using seems to just glop up all over it. 

So, what kinds of things should I check for the sudden shut off? What for losing step?

I realize they could be totally different issues, but they seem to have popped up together. 



Este debate ha sido modificado el hace 5 years por rustyatv
Respondido : 10/07/2020 1:10 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Printer stops and cools down in middle of print/ (sometimes loses step?)

Are there any error messages on the LCD when the problems occur?

such as  Thermal Runaway?

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Respondido : 10/07/2020 5:52 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Printer stops and cools down in middle of print/ (sometimes loses step?)

No, just goes back to the home screen. It'll show the temps set to zero and I'll find the hot end fan running since it'll still be warm, but cooling down. I don't recall the cooling fan running, either. 

I should add I updated the firmware when this started, but it still does it. Haven't been keeping good track of when things were done because I dont' get a lot of time to fool around with it. 

Respondido : 10/07/2020 6:51 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Printer stops and cools down in middle of print/ (sometimes loses step?)


I would clean and grease all rods and linear bearings properly and also check all electrical contacts and remove corrosion if necessary. All thermistors and heating cartridge are ok?

Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.

Respondido : 10/07/2020 7:09 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Printer stops and cools down in middle of print/ (sometimes loses step?)


Ok, so I DID also replace the Y-Axis linear bearings and one of the rods when I recovered the build plate. The old rod had been scarred by, I presume, the bed being overtightened by the previous owner. I thought I had it all free moving, and I filled the bearings with oil before assembly. I'll see if I can find the online manual for the MK2S and if there's a freedom of movement spec.  

Respondido : 10/07/2020 8:03 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Printer stops and cools down in middle of print/ (sometimes loses step?)


All linear bearings must be easily movable, well lubricated and must not show any damage. Otherwise you may have problems with calibration or crash detection. Also the belt tension should be well adjusted and the screws of the belt pulleys well tightened. The rods should run parallel to each other and the printing plate should be levelled. When printing, the height of the first layer is also very important and should be well adjusted. The printing plate should be cleaned with grease dissolving soap and water.

MK2S manual:

MK2S firmware:

Drivers for Windows:

Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.

Respondido : 10/07/2020 10:21 pm