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Any real XL prints/reviews?  

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RE: Any real XL prints/reviews?

They work very well but don't add much torque.  They will fracture.  

Posted by: @darksharpie

Ahh I tried something similar with an old bass guitar string but the welding rod idea sounds much better for the pressure i could apply. I'll give that a shot thanks.


Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Posted : 10/07/2023 7:45 pm
Active Member
RE: Any real XL prints/reviews?

Very happy with mine so far!

Posted : 11/07/2023 1:25 pm
Active Member



I have my delivery of my prusa XL 2 tool head all pre assembled by prusa and it is faulty.

The filament senor on tool 2 does not function which means I can not finish the calibration.

The heat bed failed after 1 week and also the unit now fails to probe before printing and will which now means i can no longer print. Prusa sent me a replacement unit after days of chats with them telling them that this is extremely poor of a £2,500 unit that was pre built.

The new unit has arrived and this has dreadful banding all the way up the prints, prusa now no longer reply to my emails and are ignoring me, this whole thing has been a complete joke if you have pre ordered I can't advise you enough to just cancel your pre order and wait for a more professional company like bambu to release a printer like this, at least you will have more of a chance of it not being a 30KG £2,500 paper weight.

This post was modified 2 years ago 2 times by Lotan
Posted : 28/07/2023 10:26 am
Estimable Member
RE: Any real XL prints/reviews?

just cancel your pre order and wait for a more professional company like bambu to release a printer like this


I guess you are joking in calling bambulab as a professional company.

if you have such a failure with a bambulab printer, you are in big troubles, because of the bad support and closed source of bambulab. 
But its ok, send your XL back and buy a bambu from an evil (yes, i say DJI only)  company. 

Posted : 03/08/2023 7:42 pm
You liked
RE: Any real XL prints/reviews?

It is funny.  I own 2 of their printers and have a voucher for another.  In general, they work as advertised.  They have a much less active support forum.  There is no chat or atlas not one I can find.  If you email, you might get an answer tomorrow or in a week depending on the sale of the day.  

Naw, I will keep my Prusas.  I bought the Bambu's as a comparison.  Once I have my XL, I will do a comparison article of the XL, MK4, Mini, Mk3S, P1P, and X1C.  I like them all, but there are key things to consider when buying on or the other.  They all have their weaknesses.  

Posted by: @georg-4

just cancel your pre order and wait for a more professional company like bambu to release a printer like this


I guess you are joking in calling bambulab as a professional company.

if you have such a failure with a bambulab printer, you are in big troubles, because of the bad support and closed source of bambulab. 
But its ok, send your XL back and buy a bambu from an evil (yes, i say DJI only)  company. 


Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Posted : 03/08/2023 8:04 pm
Ron Brown
Active Member
RE: Any real XL prints/reviews?

IN FAIRNESS, Bambu Labs Carbon X1 is a newbies wet dream, WHEREAS Prusa is the wet dream of any serious MAKER.  i freakin cant wait till my XL+5 gets here and I'm going to 3d print all over the place, and yes , it'll be messy.

Posted : 04/08/2023 8:42 pm
Georg liked

You are probably right.  I like my Bambus but I prefer Prusa.  I do not own their AMS.  I wish Prusa would design their MMU to be similar to it.  

Posted by: @ron-brown

IN FAIRNESS, Bambu Labs Carbon X1 is a newbies wet dream, WHEREAS Prusa is the wet dream of any serious MAKER.  i freakin cant wait till my XL+5 gets here and I'm going to 3d print all over the place, and yes , it'll be messy.


This post was modified 2 years ago by cwbullet

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Posted : 05/08/2023 12:29 am
RE: Any real XL prints/reviews?

I got my XL Single Tool a few weeks ago.
While i haven't done any big/long prints so far, there is nothing i complain about.
The printer itself worked on the first try after assembling it.
Before running the first-run setup, i upgraded the firmware to 4.7.1 and completed the setup afterwards.
After giving the bed a wipe with cleaning alcohol, the first print went through without any issues and the quality was great.

The first small issue i encountered so far was when setting up PrusaConnect.
I had to add a few lines of extra configuration to the config file due to a bug that occured when upgrading the firmware without resetting to factory defaults.

I'm however still waiting to see the results with inputshaping.
Once available i will add at least one extra tool, maybe more


Posted : 06/08/2023 8:18 pm
Active Member
RE: Any real XL prints/reviews?

I bought one of these and kept on hand. Just used it a couple weeks ago... seems to work well:

Posted : 08/08/2023 4:06 am
RE: Any real XL prints/reviews?

I used welding rods but this si much better.  

Posted by: @westranm

I bought one of these and kept on hand. Just used it a couple weeks ago... seems to work well:


Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Posted : 08/08/2023 10:41 am
Estimable Member
RE: Any real XL prints/reviews?

Assuming that the Noclogger uses some sort of steel rod, iss there any chance that the rod might ding or deeply scratch the inside surface of the nozzle?  I could see where that might eventually damage the nozzle enogh to affect performance.

Posted : 08/08/2023 11:25 pm
Active Member
RE: Any real XL prints/reviews?

Their website I think addresses those concerns.

Posted : 09/08/2023 4:43 am
RE: Any real XL prints/reviews?

I have been using welding rods for four years.  The key is gently push down in a heated hotend to extrude the jamming plastic.  I have never damaged a hotend or nozzle.  I do this once every 3-4 months.  

Posted by: @mikeh

Assuming that the Noclogger uses some sort of steel rod, iss there any chance that the rod might ding or deeply scratch the inside surface of the nozzle?  I could see where that might eventually damage the nozzle enogh to affect performance.


Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Posted : 09/08/2023 10:07 am
Estimable Member
RE: Any real XL prints/reviews?

ordered on 11/22/2021
2 head-kit ... so that's maybe another three months waiting time I guess ...
Maybe I'll get the two-year-waiting mark
😀 ... but not really ... 

Posted : 09/08/2023 11:49 am
Trusted Member
RE: Any real XL prints/reviews?

11/20/2021 2 head-kit... too. I hope your previsions are way... off... Still haven't heard anything though. Will let you guys know when I do.

Posted : 09/08/2023 12:08 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Any real XL prints/reviews?

I am not really whining or complaining (though getting old you can get away with a bit of that.) I have not heard anything on my dual head unit (I want the 5 head now) and I ordered on the 11/19/2021. So this is my little comical rant. Pushing towards 70, will my printer make it before I am not able or around to print. Yes I know I am being a bit of a whiner though I am, like all the rest waiting, just a bit on edge and impatient :)) The printer speed is not the important thing - quality is but time is flying by tick tock tick tock.
Knowledge is power but only true power when shared (like in this community)

Posted : 09/08/2023 1:16 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Any real XL prints/reviews?

Prusa XL Birthday Stream By 3D Printing Nerd

Prusa... my birthday was July 10th... just saying...

Posted : 09/08/2023 5:46 pm
Active Member
RE: Any real XL prints/reviews?

So far so good with my single head kit. Had heater errors but fixed with new firmware.

Not a real fan of the loading procedure/ease but it works.

Only one failed print but that was my fault. 

Prints are great, and big!

It's slow, IS can't come soon enough. 

Posted : 09/08/2023 8:12 pm
Active Member
RE: Any real XL prints/reviews?

Here is my experience with the XL and ghosting:


Posted : 15/09/2023 9:09 am
Trusted Member
RE: Any real XL prints/reviews?

No bueno...

I don't know if is a generalized issue, but it seems concerning for a professional machine of this price and caliper. Does anyone else have this issue? Should we be concerned about this?

Subsequent updates fixing it are of no help. If you pay for a printer it should work well from day 1. I don't understand paying for something and having it collect dust for several months until it can actually produce prototypes you can show your customers.

Posted by: @gm-2

Here is my experience with the XL and ghosting:



Posted : 15/09/2023 12:07 pm
DarkTeck liked
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