Spare Parts
I am just starting out with a Mini+. I don't want to be down for very long at a time unless I can't help it. What are some of the most common parts on the mini+ that break or wear out? If I can afford it, I would like to have spare parts on hand just in case any break or wear out.
Buy or print 1-2 fan shrouds and buy an extra hotend with some nozzles. I also have 1-2 fans.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
PTFE Tubes
The printer comes with one extra PTFE tube that goes in the heatbreak. I now consider it a wear item. Get more. They are cheap if you order along with something else from Prusa. Maybe get an extra spring steel sheet plate. They get gouged with time. I generally order two rolls of filament and spare parts. Shipping for that is reasonable. I also got one of the only recently available silicone socks.
RE: Spare parts
I am just starting out with a Mini+. I don't want to be down for very long at a time unless I can't help it. What are some of the most common parts on the mini+ that break or wear out? If I can afford it, I would like to have spare parts on hand just in case any break or wear out.
-Hotend thermistor (100k)
-5V Printer fan (simple design, often breaks down)
-some PTFE material (approx. 1m 4/2)
-PEI printing plate, smooth or textured
-fitting olives or PC4-M8x1.25 fittings
Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.
My experience
In the 18 months I've owned my Mini, I've replaced:
- Hotend PTFE tube (3 times)
- Spring steel sheet (once - I unknowingly scratched up the bottom making it unusable)
- Nozzle (once)
The bowden tube is probably the next thing I'll need to replace.
Thank You!
Thanks for all the tips on buying spare parts.
Test the order with 2 rolls of filament. It might reduce your shipping.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog