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Mini Extruder Issues  

Eminent Member
Mini Extruder Issues

Hi all. I've had my Mini+ for about a year and it's been great! Lately though I've been having issues with my extruder. For a while it seemed to have issues loading filament, it would get pulled in and grabbed by the gear but then couldn't get out again. I took the extruder apart and cleaned it and that seems to have fixed it.

Now the issue is that it loads fine, but when it goes to unload the tip of the filament gets stuck just on the way out the entrance. So it's past the gear, but won't come out of the extruder. I have to disassemble the extruder, snip the end, then extract the rest.

Any thoughts on what I should try? I'm on firmware 4.3.4 in case it makes a difference. Just haven't had the time to update to 4.4.x yet.

Thank you!

Publié : 26/03/2023 12:21 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Mini Extruder Issues

So the filament is stuck PAST the gear? The only thing there is the small PTFE tube. I'd expect it to see that it's not deformed and it's properly installed. 

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Publié : 26/03/2023 3:44 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Mini Extruder Issues

I will double check that! It might make sense that that is the issue.

I did notice on the latest jam that it seemed that a bit of filament had gotten past the side of the gear and wedged itself there. I need to take the extruder apart (again) to double check. I might also just replace all the plastic bits in an attempt to fix this. I can't find the extruder PTFE tube in the spare parts though. Should I get one of these: and cut it?

Thank you!


Publié : 27/03/2023 2:39 am
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