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Grupa: Zarejestrowany
Dołączył: 2023/07/30
Active Member
Here‘s the logic: from 31.1.2025 = batch 1 from week 7 = bat... | 2 days temu | |
5 starts March 3rd. Simply look at the shipping table = batc... | 2 days temu | |
Starts in "3" means you’re in batch 3 like me: shipping star... | 2 days temu | |
Yeah, speeding us up and then re-order as soon as they found... | 4 days temu | |
Thought it may arrive on my birthday, January 22nd ... which... | 2 weeks temu | |
Yes I did contact support and they made two statements: 1. „... | 4 weeks temu | |
RE: Shipping dates | 4 weeks temu | |
You are not alone! I have the same problem and many others o... In forum PrusaSlicer |
2 months temu | |
interesting! Will try without network connection tomorrow if... In forum PrusaSlicer |
2 months temu | |
Hi everyone! I face exactly the same problem since I tried t... In forum PrusaSlicer |
2 months temu |