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Prusa Mini+ Stock-Half Bear Mod  

Active Member
Prusa Mini+ Stock-Half Bear Mod


just wanted to share my idea of MY perfect Bearish Mod for Prusa Mini. It is a mix of everything that I have seen. As you can see XD

Idea is to have everything stock except the frame which will be out of 3030 extrusions and some other changes but mainly stock.
Basically I want to change as little as possible. I want it to be an Upgrade/Add-on option where you basically need to add some part without needing to change anything in regards to firmware and size of machine.

I do not want big and bulky Mk3s style extruder since I already have Sherpa mini running and it performs beautifully!

Also main reason and goal it for stiffness. I simply hate that every-time I need to move my Mini my X-Z are out of alignment and no matter what I do End of my X is just not parallel and it is driving me crazy... 

Here it is so far:


- small 3030 extrusions to replace plastic MB housing

- left and top connecting 3030 extrusion

- Bear style MB housing

- Bear style X and Z parts

- Stock Hotend (titanium heatbreak and plated nozzle and Noctua Fan already on machine)

- Sherpa Mini extruder (already installed and running. Thx Prusa for Experimental Menu 😀 )

- L shape extrusion connectors

- L shaped hidden (have no idea how they are called) inside of Extrusion connectors

- Was thinking to go with slim Nema17 motors for Z since now we have two of them, but for now I have 2 stock ones from Prusa.

- After all is done I will post a video about it and of course full how to and what I did (BUT only when I am happy with it and when it is tested!)

Please check the pictures and let me know if you have any ideas and If I am doing something wrong. Every input is crucial for me at this stage since this is my first mode and I really want to make this happen 😀 




Postato : 09/01/2022 12:11 am
Honorable Member
RE: Prusa Mini+ Stock-Half Bear Mod

I appreciate your effort, but I wouldn't do it that way. I don't really like the solution with these two short bridging extrusions on each side that connects base and Z-axis... too many 90 deg angles to deal with.
I understand that you wish to use as much stock material as possible. But you need to buy and cut Alu-extrusions anyway, so why not going all the way and make a MK3 BEAR alike frame? And by using 2040 extrusions, both Z-axis motors would be flush with frame -yeah, needs to look nice too 😎 .

[Mini+] [MK3S+BEAR]

Postato : 09/01/2022 9:07 am
Noble Member
RE: Prusa Mini+ Stock-Half Bear Mod

Wouldn't it be simpler (and maybe even cheaper) to just buy the i3 kit?

Postato : 09/01/2022 9:23 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Prusa Mini+ Stock-Half Bear Mod


Posted by: @bogdanh

I appreciate your effort, but I wouldn't do it that way. I don't really like the solution with these two short bridging extrusions on each side that connects base and Z-axis... too many 90 deg angles to deal with.
I understand that you wish to use as much stock material as possible. But you need to buy and cut Alu-extrusions anyway, so why not going all the way and make a MK3 BEAR alike frame? And by using 2040 extrusions, both Z-axis motors would be flush with frame -yeah, needs to look nice too 😎 .

Well thx 😀 I was thinking the same but when you think about it original is the same regarding 90 deg angles and they did it with PETG... also I did test it and those two connectors are strong as single extrusion when combined:




one will go in from the outside and one will go inside.

Also regarding extrusion and cutting, there is a site here in Germany and they can cut any size you want so that all complete frame in this case will cost me less then 10€...
And regarding going full Bear well I will need to change almost everything which I would like to avoid because of size since it needs to fit in here:


THX for your comment 😉 

Postato : 09/01/2022 9:36 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Prusa Mini+ Stock-Half Bear Mod


Posted by: @lichtjaeger

Wouldn't it be simpler (and maybe even cheaper) to just buy the i3 kit?

Well thats the thing... Simpler probably xD BUT cheaper hell no 😀

This upgrade including everything is much cheaper option:

Sherpa Mini (all ready to go)- 40€

Hotend upgrades (heatbreak, nozzle and Noctua fan) -30€

Extrusions, connectors and parts - 30€

Postato : 09/01/2022 9:40 am
Honorable Member
RE: Prusa Mini+ Stock-Half Bear Mod


Posted by: @alen

And regarding going full Bear well I will need to change almost everything which I would like to avoid because of size since it needs to fit in here:


That exactly was my point: by using 4020 profiles, printer dimension wouldn't increase at all. Total width would be about 28cm max, and for depth you're limited by bed travel anyway.
I really see no reason why you insist on keeping original (ugly) base, which only complicates the whole assembly. To save money, I guess. But when upgrading, you don't think what can you make for 10€ -you do it the right way instead.
Well, it's your decision... Wish you luck.

[Mini+] [MK3S+BEAR]

Postato : 09/01/2022 4:56 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Prusa Mini+ Stock-Half Bear Mod

Well to be completely honest, I am not doing it this way to same money at al but rather to not to have to change too much xD and since  I already did some upgrades this seemed like a simplest way 😆 It is still in first phase where are am virtually assembling all to see how it would look and that's why I am asking for opinions and your is very much appreciated 😀 

PS. it does not need to be this way, its just what I was thinking 😀 

Postato : 09/01/2022 6:27 pm
BogdanH hanno apprezzato
Chuck's Prusa
New Member

Hey everyone, ive been looking around for some advice in regards to the Sherpa Mini extruder. I am having issues with it under extruding. I know a G-Code can be added to the start of the prints, or the multiplier can be adjusted BUT I rather have it set in the firmware instead, this would allow for the first layer calibration to work properly and allow me to adjust my extruder perfectly. Again, I am NOT looking for the G-Code option or the Multiplier option in the slicer, I am curious if anyone has tips on editing the firmware so I can properly set my esteps. I do find it incredibly frustrating that PRUSA locks down their system so tight that you have to do really dumb workarounds if you want to upgrade a part of it like a direct drive extruder. 


Chuck M

Questo post è stato modificato 3 years fa da Chuck's Prusa
Postato : 08/03/2022 8:21 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Prusa Mini+ Stock-Half Bear Mod

Hi Chuck,


well unfortunately, without losing your warranty, there is not way of doing it your way :D. However what you can do is to adjust E steps directly on your printer under experimental settings. Also you can set you voltage in G-Code since at the moment we can not change this directly in printers firmware. What model of motor did you get? Guys from Sherpa Mini on Discord helped me and I can share info with you but I am not sure if we got same motors 😀 

Postato : 10/03/2022 10:08 pm
Active Member
RE: Prusa Mini+ Stock-Half Bear Mod

Guys  Aliexpress Now Sells Prusa Mini Bear Kit Complete With Extrusions,Extra Z Motor,Nuts,Bolts,Carriage Etc And Its Not Expensive i Believe Its About $120 USD FOr Everything ,Search it on AliExpress

Postato : 18/01/2023 5:04 pm