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I put a Revo Nozzle on my Nextruder. Here's how.  

Thomas Lovén
Active Member
I put a Revo Nozzle on my Nextruder. Here's how.

It was much easier than I ever dared to hope, but darned scary...

Here's the full description:

It's not a guide. I do not take any responsibility for anything if you decide to try this yourself.


Veröffentlicht : 06/10/2023 9:01 pm
Alfanero, Rambo, MikeH und 2 weiteren Personen gefällt das
Trusted Member
RE: I put a Revo Nozzle on my Nextruder. Here's how.

Awesome! I figured it wouldn't be that difficult and I bet that there's an official upgrade to REVO where they send you a different heatsink. I am going to order parts and see if I can do this too. I am in the same boat as you, had a complete set of REVO nozzles and many spares when MK4 was announced. 

Veröffentlicht : 10/10/2023 1:47 pm
Active Member

I exchanged some emails with E3D and they have (currently) no plans for making a Revo compatible heatsink so modifying ours is the way to go. This is what I did:

  • Buy a new heatsink (so I had a fallback in case things went badly) and V6 adapter
  • superglue the v6 adapter into the heatsink (should probably have first scuffed both the copper and the heatsink a bit and used heat-conductive epoxy)
  • Use dremel cutting disk to cut the brass threaded bit off
  • use 2.1mm (? AFAIRecall, doublecheck yourself) drill to depth of the revo nozzle when installed so it fits snugly agains the stainless steel pipe of the V6 adapter
  • use 3.3mm drill to prepare the hole for tapping.
  • Tap M4 hole. here the remaining very thin bit of copper started to give me trouble, in the end it just started to rotate freely and I had to pull it out so I ended up in effect with same solution as OP.

My original even fancier plan was to ream the hole and put a bit larger bit of copper by shrink-fit there so I could make proper threads into the copper too but got impatient. 

For the click-mate connector I got some ready made cable assemblies from Digikey, then dismantled the original thermistor connector, to keep the crimped bits, cut the cable assembly to length and soldered on the crimped bits and put heatshrink insulation tube over it.

Diese r Beitrag wurde geändert Vor 1 year von Rambo
Veröffentlicht : 14/11/2023 8:57 am
Active Member
RE: I put a Revo Nozzle on my Nextruder. Here's how.

Forgot the link

Veröffentlicht : 14/11/2023 9:03 am
Active Member
RE: I put a Revo Nozzle on my Nextruder. Here's how.

If enough people have too much money and not enough courage/trust in their DIY skills I could setup the CNC mill at the local hacklab to do a batch of these but it would be probably be around 120-150EUR/heatsink + shipping to cover my costs (a fact of life is that *at least* one of the heatsink+adapter combos will end up in the box-of-shame because of some mistake) and get me some beers for the trouble.

Veröffentlicht : 14/11/2023 9:12 am
Thomas Lovén
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: I put a Revo Nozzle on my Nextruder. Here's how.

I also considered puting something into the hole to get more threads, but thought it would be too thin unless it was solidly brazed or something.


Careful with that idea, though. I understand E3d are rather... protective... about the Revo design and compatibility.

Veröffentlicht : 14/11/2023 10:52 am
Thomas Lovén
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: I put a Revo Nozzle on my Nextruder. Here's how.

To celebrate the release of the MK4 Nozzle Replacement Tool, here's a 1-up.


(I hope the video works... otherwise it's here)

Veröffentlicht : 13/03/2024 8:46 pm
Active Member
RE: I put a Revo Nozzle on my Nextruder. Here's how.

Very nice result! But I will keep on using my revo nozzles in the „old MK3.5“ for now and use the new system in the MK4 nextruder. I am afraid damaging my new shiny MK4. Perhaps when someone jumps on this idea and sells an „Upgrade kit MK4 to Revo6“. I definitely would pay for this some money if it works (and the print results are equal. 

Veröffentlicht : 23/03/2024 1:46 am