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Sequential printing parts that occupy the same space tricks. Help.
I have a need for manually printing a support in spiral mode 1st for speed, then printing a second part inside that part for speed without jumping back and forth. Our extruder will handle the height and clearance for doing these separately. Without having to splice gcode together manually, is there a way to do this all within slic3r? I check boxed the sequential printing and adjusted the extruder width and height for clearances, but since the part occupies the same space, it obviously doesn't like it. Is there an override for this, or trick?
Veröffentlicht : 16/01/2020 3:33 pm
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Sequential printing parts that occupy the same space tricks. Help.
Any takers on this question above?
Veröffentlicht : 04/06/2020 7:22 pm