Prusa Slicer causes stringing, S3D not
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Prusa Slicer causes stringing, S3D not  

Trusted Member
Prusa Slicer causes stringing, S3D not

God afternoon

Please forgive to start a new topic, but it turned out that the blobs and oozing on parts only happens when I slice with Prusa Slicer, not with S3D.

Looking through the generated G-Code from S3D, which clears E position for retraction, I see this when it does a retract before move:

G92 E0.0000 ; Reset extruder position
G1 E-1.2000 F1800 ; Retract
G1 X167.760 Y172.556 F6000
G1 X167.760 Y172.240
G1 X192.240 Y172.240
G1 E0.0000 F1800 ; Restore retraction

So I thought I enable the "Use relative E distance" in the printer options, which gives as G-Code then:

M204 S3000
G1 X192.596 Y172.314 F7200.000
G1 E-1.20000 F2400.000 ; Retract
G1 X192.204 Y172.270 F7200.000
G1 X167.410 Y172.590
G1 E1.20000 F2400.000 ; Restore retraction

 But still extreme stringing as without relative extruder distance:

Is there any other settings I could try in Prusa Slicer?


thanks in advance


Ender-5 Plus

with Micro Swiss Direct Drive, BTT SKR v1.3 and TMC2208<br>Ender-3 with Micro Swiss Direct Drive, E3 mini with TMC2208<br>Qidi i-Mate S

Opublikowany : 25/08/2021 12:59 pm
Z banding

If my eyes are not failing me, I think you have Z banding too.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Opublikowany : 25/08/2021 3:45 pm
Illustrious Member
Attach a 3MF project file so we can check your settings.

Save your current  3MF project file, zip it up, and attach it to a reply here so we can see your part & settings and give better recommendations. It's too hard to play 20 questions guessing otherwise.

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Opublikowany : 25/08/2021 3:58 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
With acceleration set to 0, still stringing

As S3D doesn't send any M204 commands to set acceleration, I disabled all acceleration settings in the print settings so it picks the firmware defaults (set all to 0), but stringing still occurs.:

Seems I have to dig deeper in the generated G-Code to see what S3D is doing differently....

Of course the retraction can be well seen before a move, also when it resets the retraction.

Attached the project file....


Attachment removed
Ender-5 Plus

with Micro Swiss Direct Drive, BTT SKR v1.3 and TMC2208<br>Ender-3 with Micro Swiss Direct Drive, E3 mini with TMC2208<br>Qidi i-Mate S

Opublikowany : 25/08/2021 4:09 pm
Illustrious Member
Copying S3D settings verbatim doesn't always work out
Posted by: @davorin

As S3D doesn't send any M204 commands to set acceleration, I disabled all acceleration settings in the print settings so it picks the firmware defaults (set all to 0), but stringing still occurs.

Be sure to inspect your S3D gcode. Back when I used it, many of the "magic" profiles had M20x commands embedded in the start gcode.

Of course the retraction can be well seen before a move, also when it resets the retraction.

Are you using a Bowden extruder setup? You've got retraction set to 1.2mm which is low by bowden standards. Is it the same on your S3D setup?

Your extrusion multiplier is set to 1.029. If you've calibrated this value, not a problem, but be sure you really want it higher. I find most my stringing issues not caused by filament moisture are due to a small amount of over-extrusion. Be sure to calibrate your extrusion multiplier using PrusaSlicer, not just copying settings over from S3D. They work differently internally, and I found it much easier to create a new preset from scratch rather than trying to "save time" by copying S3D profile settings over.


My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Opublikowany : 25/08/2021 6:08 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
I'm sure (o;

There is no M204 inside S3Ds generated G-Code...sublime text and grep is good at searching (o;

me@blender:~/Documents/FreeCad$ grep -c M204 Stringing*.gcode

I added my printer config in the signature by intention to answer those questions by itself (o;  so yes..both my printers have a direct drive extruder...also the extrusion multiplier was calibrated...and I was surprised it was higher than in I had before 0.96...but still with the stringing...


What makes me think is that, if PS had a general problem with stringing, more people would have shout about it...but didn't find anything related to my case....also tried quickly with Super Slicer, same I have to inspect what the printers klipper firmware might actually doing wrong here with the PS G-Code sequence....

I suspect the "reset extruder distance" difference might be it....just a guess...but I also tried with PA shut off in S3D and PS, no difference...

Have to flash this board with Marlin 2.0.9.x and see how it behaves then with S3D and PS G-Code....and get another one in parallel for klipper testing....



Ender-5 Plus

with Micro Swiss Direct Drive, BTT SKR v1.3 and TMC2208<br>Ender-3 with Micro Swiss Direct Drive, E3 mini with TMC2208<br>Qidi i-Mate S

Opublikowany : 25/08/2021 6:32 pm