Please Add feature: 3d mouse support - 3dconnexion
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Please Add feature: 3d mouse support - 3dconnexion  

New Member
Please Add feature: 3d mouse support - 3dconnexion

in other slicers i have the use of a 3d mouse for all zoom and rotation and orbiting.. etc. 

They can also be used for positioning. and hotkeys. 

Can find out more here at their developer link:


Postato : 04/08/2019 3:34 pm
Nikolai hanno apprezzato
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Please Add feature: 3d mouse support - 3dconnexion

Once you get used to using these you won't want to live without them.

maya c4d modo even formlabs proform and fusion 360 use them.

Postato : 04/08/2019 3:35 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Please Add feature: 3d mouse support - 3dconnexion

It would be nice to have. The day my 3D mouse arrived, the navigation keys clicked for me with Fusion 360 and I barely touch the 3D mouse. Figures. I couldn't navigate for weeks before.

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He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Postato : 04/08/2019 5:12 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Please Add feature: 3d mouse support - 3dconnexion

Don't most input devices have macro capabilities that allow a user to make interface mods that let the device 'connect' to the application anyway?

The next question would be which of the present generation of specialized input hardware should be supported?   Following the logic for the 3D mouse, should all the various VR kits also be included so users can manipulate the part with the tools in true 3D?  Seems like the best solution to me.  But which of the many VR sets need to be supported? Heck, why not all of them.  And, be sure to include anything else new that comes up; like a true 3D monitor, too.

As a practical matter ... the moment an application depends of some specialized feature of some add-on product, the product disappears and the added features become wasted unsupported and often bug ridden code that eventually must be removed.


Postato : 04/08/2019 7:03 pm
Noble Member
RE: Please Add feature: 3d mouse support - 3dconnexion
Posted by: Tim

The next question would be which of the present generation of specialized input hardware should be supported?   

The link is in the initial post 😉

The request is not far fetched. I would also like to see this 3D mouse supported in PS. Usually you're working in a CAD software with this mouse and then you switch to the PS to slice it. Then you try to orbit your model and realize, crap. It doesn't work same way. So it's kind of interruption of your work flow.

If you're designing your models with a VR headset, then the PS support for this device would be also legit. But I assume you don't 😉

@cj: Best place to make such a request is here:

Edit: Actually there are already couple there:

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Postato : 05/08/2019 8:47 pm