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Wipe Tower & Novice users  

Wipe Tower & Novice users

I'm new to owning a MMU3. I've done quite a few prints over time, I've never seen a Wipe Tower, never had an MMU... makes sense.


After doing a build and install of the MMU3 on my MK3S+, and using Prusa Slicer 2.8, I find this "irrational cube with two sharp points on it" just popping up in the middle of my print bed, and getting in the way.

I've learned this was (is) a WIPE TOWER (, but the MMU3 built, install, and test instructions NEVER MENTION IT!

So here I am for a few days trying to figure out what this thing is. Google image search took me to Reddit where I found the answer....


So, simple feature, and honestly.... why is this not a thing already? We aren't mind readers, how about the PRUSA SLICER APP actually call this out?!?! It's a thing. It even has settings, if we click on this in Prusaslicer, tell us what it is! Give us an option on right click that takes us to its settings? Help us!

Until you know what it is called, its not something you even know to find or how to use it in the print manul. Thanks!!!!!!!!

This topic was modified 5 months ago by noybman


Posted : 15/09/2024 12:04 am