MK4 Profile not in PrusaSlicer 2.5.2
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[Solved] MK4 Profile not in PrusaSlicer 2.5.2  

Active Member
MK4 Profile not in PrusaSlicer 2.5.2

Just received my pair of MK4s today and installed PrusaSlicer 2.5.2. When i go into the Configuration Wizard i don't see the MK4 as an option. Where do i go to get the latest MK4 profile for PrusaSlicer? 

Posted : 02/06/2023 12:38 am
RE: MK4 Profile not in PrusaSlicer 2.5.2

Hi.  I had same problem.  Prusa support helped me track down solution.  Basically use new Slicer 2.6.0 beta3.

Google github prusaslicer 2.6 and you should find a zipped download.  Save to a suitable folder and unzip.  It doesnt install like a usual app.  Just runs.

However, take care to NOT say yes if it asks to import configuration of existing slicer.  Choose a fresh install.  MK4 will be available in the config wizard now.

I actually made that mistake and had to uninstall everything and try again from fresh start.  Still it asked to import existing config.  Just say NO!

Posted : 02/06/2023 9:05 am
Famed Member
RE: MK4 Profile not in PrusaSlicer 2.5.2

Well, while using the 2.6 beta is an option, I can see the Mk4 in my install of 2.5.2. I would export my config profile from 2.5.2, and do a clean re-install to see if the MK4 shows up. Then reload my saved profiles. 

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 02/06/2023 10:52 am
Walter Layher
Prominent Member
RE: MK4 Profile not in PrusaSlicer 2.5.2

Just go to Configuration > Check for Configuration Updates. That should do the trick.

Posted : 02/06/2023 11:13 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: MK4 Profile not in PrusaSlicer 2.5.2

It wasn't in the configuration wizard. Had to close the app and reopen. Then it identified there was a configuration update. 

Posted : 02/06/2023 11:27 am