make overhang printable option
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make overhang printable option  

New Member
make overhang printable option

Cura has a feature called "make overhang printable" and has an option to adjust angle/threshold at which this feature is invoked. this is the only reason i cannot use PrusaSlicer exclusively. without this feature, a simple flaw in the part means the part needs to be edited or completely redone, sometimes taking hours to painstakingly adjust the part just so it can be printed a little better. the "make overhang printable" feature does the work for you with the click of a check box, brilliant. this feature is additive in nature but someone i heard asked if it could be subtractive also, thats a good idea. anyway i only ever need additive.

an example of how this is useful would be like a threaded hex nipple or bolt, imagine all the supports and fuss you need just to print a part with a small overhang, totally annoying.


not gonna work!


well that was easy!! to make this change in CAD is super annoying!


This topic was modified 4 years temu by sceptre357
Opublikowany : 26/02/2021 3:01 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: make overhang printable option

Another great example, the screw studs on this enclosure box




wasted material and time on unnecessary supports and no way to support only from build plate, only can be supported from the print itself, not idea at all.


Opublikowany : 03/03/2021 8:24 am
Noble Member
RE: make overhang printable option

On the Plater tab, right hand side you can select how you want support automatically handled. In your case I suggest either Build Plate only or None.

You can "tweak" support settings in the Support settings tab of Print settings.

One super feature (which I think Cura implemented a while ago) is parameter search on the three profile tabs.


Opublikowany : 03/03/2021 10:10 am
RE: make overhang printable option

I've been waiting to get bthis option available in prusa slicer too, even orca has it already

Opublikowany : 29/01/2024 1:20 am