Lower density for bottom horizontal shell?
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Lower density for bottom horizontal shell?  

New Member
Lower density for bottom horizontal shell?

Hi, I'm trying to achieve a 'porous' surface for my bottom shell on vase mode print, as shown in diagram below:

1. Is there anyway we can reduce the density of  bottom horizontal shell?

2. Or with a different method, i tried to use different setting for the first 4 layers: zero horizontal shell with 70% rectilinear infill. And then vase mode for the rest of the layer. But i guess it is not possible to use different print setting at a certain layer height?

Thank you in advance! 

Postato : 20/06/2021 9:17 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Lower density for bottom horizontal shell?

I don't think you can do what you want at the moment.  Currently you cant mix vase mode with normal printing, although that has been requested over on the Prusa Slicer github.  Also with the way modifier meshes work when you place one you are in effect splitting the model into separate objects as far as slicer is concerned when it plans it all out.  While I don't do much vase mode printing I don't think that works either with vase mode as its supposed to be on a single object.

If you wanted the bottom with just the infill you could do that with a modifier mesh but you would have to forego the vase mode option and just use normal printing.

Postato : 20/06/2021 9:57 am
studiobonjer hanno apprezzato
New Member
RE: Lower density for bottom horizontal shell?

Depending on what your goal is you could model indents in the bottom of the cylinder 2-3 layers thick and set corresponding bottom layers to have perforated bottom. or create some crisscross slots that will be filled just by a single perimeter. Something like that - 0.2 x 0.4 mm slots 0.6mm apart.

It is sad that we must trick the slicer for such simple tasks...


Postato : 20/06/2021 12:59 pm
studiobonjer hanno apprezzato
Illustrious Member
RE: Lower density for bottom horizontal shell?


But that isn't a model that will work with vase mode.  You can already do that with a modifier mesh without 'tricking' the slicer but it doesn't help with the original request.

At the moment the only way would be to slice the model twice.  Once in normal mode with a modifier to get the bottom with the infill showing through and again with vase mode without the bottom.  The you could manually edit the gcode files to remove everything above the bottom from slice 1 and remove the bottom from the vase mode slice.  Once combined you would then have a gcode file that had what you wanted.  

Error prone unless you are careful but it would work.

Postato : 20/06/2021 2:08 pm
studiobonjer hanno apprezzato
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Lower density for bottom horizontal shell?


unfortunately that doesn't work with vase mode


ha, good idea.. i guess i should try this, thanks!




Postato : 20/06/2021 2:54 pm
New Member
RE: Lower density for bottom horizontal shell?


Actually the slicer view is with vase mode enabled. So it works. If the forum allowed attachment of STL and FCSTD files I would have attached them.

Postato : 20/06/2021 3:35 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Lower density for bottom horizontal shell?


You have to zip up files to attach them.  The preferred format here is a 3mf file generated from Prusa Slicer itself using the save project option.  As that will contain not only the model but also all the settings used as well as any modifiers etc.

Postato : 20/06/2021 5:46 pm
New Member
RE: Lower density for bottom horizontal shell?


Here are the files. If there is some hilbert curve generator it should work even better for generating single contour...  But the ultimate solution should be adding infill density for top/bottom layers..

Postato : 20/06/2021 8:37 pm