Is it possible to edit .bgcode file?
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Is it possible to edit .bgcode file?  

Bryan P
Active Member
Is it possible to edit .bgcode file?

Hi. I spent quite a while creating a print file with a custom modifier mesh. I now want to change the filament temperature on one color, and I realize my editable model is gone! I have the .bgcode print file, but is there any way to change the temperature setting for one of the colors (extruders) since I have an XL 5 head?

How do I save a project so I can open and edit it in the future? Including all the painstaking work making the modifier mesh fit properly? Do I save a configuration, a project, or what. I don't really understand the differences in what these formats include.

Thank you,


Opublikowany : 12/10/2024 5:48 pm
Bryan P
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Is it possible to edit .bgcode file?

It turns out you can import your 3MF project, modify it as needed and then save "Project" as .3MF

This is supposed to save all your changes and settings, and can be reimported and edited further.

However, I still need an answer on the BGCODE editing thing.... if anyone knows


Opublikowany : 13/10/2024 2:02 am
Bryan P
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Is it possible to edit .bgcode file?

I was able to open the bgcode in a text editor. It starts with print information, including printing temperatures and other information.

I am wondering if I make a change to the temperatures and resave the file, if it will use the new settings. - If this is where the variables are defined, or merely a listing for convenience...

GCDE ! Producer=PrusaSlicer 2.8.1+win64!(Y¥ ì printer_model=XL5ISfilament_type=PLA;PLA;PLA;PLA;













objects_info={"objects":[{"name":"sample tool holder wall mount v1.6",


filament used [mm]=29516.03, 529.93, 0.00, 29475.22, 0.00

filament used [g]=88.03, 1.58, 0.00, 87.91, 0.00

filament cost=3.19, 0.06, 0.00, 1.85, 0.00

filament used [cm3]=70.99, 1.27, 0.00, 70.90, 0.00

total filament used for wipe tower [g]=13.71

estimated printing time (normal mode)=7h 38m 13s

estimated printing time (silent mode)=9h 35m 55s

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and so on......


Opublikowany : 13/10/2024 2:17 am
Walter Layher
Noble Member
RE: Is it possible to edit .bgcode file?

Look for the option File > Convert in PrusaSlicer. You can convert gcode <-> bgcode files with it.

Opublikowany : 13/10/2024 7:09 am
Bryan P
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Is it possible to edit .bgcode file?

Thank you for that. I converted the code and it looks basically the same as the bgcode, it has the same header followed by nonsense.

I'll have to change a couple settings, resave it, and load it to printer and see if changes work.

Opublikowany : 13/10/2024 5:25 pm
Prominent Member
RE: Is it possible to edit .bgcode file?

in the PrusaSlicer you can set in Menu > Configuration and it will show up new window, in it  select tab Other and there uncheck use binary code when printer supports it. 
Or in the printer settings in Printer > General > Firmware > Supports Binary Gcode.

See my GitHub and for some 3d stuff that you may like.

Opublikowany : 13/10/2024 10:33 pm
Bryan P
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Is it possible to edit .bgcode file?

I don't really have a problem with the binary code. Either code or binary doesn't seem editable after the fact

Opublikowany : 13/10/2024 11:30 pm
Walter Layher
Noble Member
RE: Is it possible to edit .bgcode file?

Gcode files are ASCII text files. But they tend to be very large. It could be that you are using a text editor that cannot edit files beyond a certain size? Or you edited the bgcode file, then converted the already modified file to gcode and it was garbled in the process. I have not tried this, so this is speculation on my part. I would suggest start the conversion with a bgcode file fresh from the slicer that was not modified in any way, then convert it to gcode with PrusaSlicer. This should be editable ASCII text then.
But if you know beforehand that you want to edit a (b)gcode file, it would involve fewer steps to first output a gcode file, edit that and then convert it to bgcode, e.g. to get a smaller file if the big size of the gcode file is an issue and the reason to use bgcode in the first place.

Opublikowany : 14/10/2024 6:50 am