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How to disable auto-resize?  

Active Member
How to disable auto-resize?

I'm trying to chop up a large model so it each part will fit on the plate.  But each time I use the Cut tool, I get an 'Object Too Large?' text box and PrusaSlicer resizes the model without my approval or ability to abort the action.  I cannot find any options to disable this.  Searching for this answer turns up year-old topics that are unanswered.

Seriously, how is such a painfully unhelpful "feature" still part of the software?  I know it's oversized, that's why I'm in the process of cutting it into a dozen chunks.  There's already safeguards preventing me exporting an oversized object to print, so why is it harassing my workflow?

I have on occasion managed to trick the program into not throwing this error at me while I work, but I can't reliably repeat it or figure out what keeps the auto-resize off my back.

Dieses Thema wurde geändert Vor 11 months von rsilvester
Veröffentlicht : 26/02/2024 1:48 am
Honorable Member
RE: How to disable auto-resize?

What do you actually want to do? Resize the model or cut the model into smaller parts? You can change the size in the window on the right, for cutting use the "Cut" option from the left menu. And next time, don't post error messages here, we know them well. Rather, insert a picture of the situation, or a zipped *.3mf file, so that we can assess what it is about.

Veröffentlicht : 26/02/2024 8:30 am
RE: How to disable auto-resize?

He want's to cut the model without it automatically resizing the parts if the part is bigger than the bed. It is an incredibly frustrating "feature" that should have an option to turn it off. I am having issues with it scaling parts while saying they are at %100 still with no option to return them to their original size. 

Veröffentlicht : 29/05/2024 6:55 pm
RE: How to disable auto-resize?

This issue is still not resolved.

1. we have an object that's too big for the bed

2. we want to load it to use the cut tool

3. when loading, the object is resized

What happens:

Now we can't use the cut tool on the original sized object

What we want:

An option to cancel automatically resizing the object, so we can use the cut tool

Veröffentlicht : 25/07/2024 7:42 am
RE: How to disable auto-resize?

I see a bug is already filed for this issue.


Veröffentlicht : 25/07/2024 7:53 am