Adaptive supports
Hello, I have a suggestion for an addition in Prusa slicer; I wanted to suggest adaptive support material such like we already have for infill. I would love to see this added because I think it would cut back on print time significantly for prints with lots, or large supports. My recent print spent 1day 15hrs on just supports. Hope this idea is worth something, maybe it wouldn't help but it's just a suggestion.
This is a user forum. If you want to suggest ideas to Prusa use their Github.
RE: Adaptive supports
Diem, they already have
Adaptive supports basically sounds like what tree supports in Cura does, which has been requested already so I am half expecting the new github issue to be closed as a duplicate. which is already being worked on.
Thank's @neophyl, I admit I didn't go look, just gave the heads-up to make sure that @michaelentertainment knew where to get his post heard.
Whilst I do use slicer generated supports in unimportant places or on the odd imported file I have always incorporated support structures in designs where they are critical; that way I get exactly what I need.