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From 2 tool upgrade query ...  

Damian Boizot
Active Member
From 2 tool upgrade query ...

Hi Same Old Shane, I appreciate that you may not know the answer to this, but ...
From what i understood when i was first looking at the XL (I own a 2 tools one) was that we could upgrade from the 2 tool to 3,4 and 5 ?

The upgrade is only for 5 tool heads currently.

So I guess the 2 main questions for me are:

1) is it technically possible to just have 3 or 4 heads instead of the full 5 ?
2) is this something that will be available at a later date ? 

I'd be grateful if you have any info on this.



Publié : 08/02/2024 5:55 pm
3DK a aimé
Active Member
RE: From 2 tool upgrade query ...


For going upt to 3 heads you would need to buy an extra PSU and the XLsplitter board, which are sold seperatly. For going up to 4 you probably would also need the extra filamentsensor, which is also sold seperatly. I think you can buy all parts to build a nextruder dock yourself. The problem comes with the nextruder itself. You cant buy it seperatly and not all parts are available to build it yourself. You could buy the 1to2 upgrade to have an extra nextruder but then you would also get and pay for some parts you already have and don't need (e.g. toolchanger). Looking at the prices of all the parts needed, I don't think you would save enough to warant the hassle to go up to 3 heads and would be more expensive than the 2to5 kit, when you go up to 4.

The last problem would be the firmware and PrusaSlicer. I don't know if they even support anything but 1,2 or 5 heads.


They might release single head upgrades to go up to 3 or 4 heads sometime in the future. You could ask the support, but their answer will probably be something like: "We are currently testing, which takes time. It will be released in several weeks but we can't give an ETA."

Hope that helps.

Publié : 08/02/2024 9:22 pm
Damian Boizot
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: From 2 tool upgrade query ...

Ahh that's a shame 🙁

I knew that i'd need to get the extra PSU and board, but i only really need\want 3 tools ... i just want 2 materials plus a dissolvable support material, i would probably never use all 5 tool heads.

Oh well, i'll wait in hope that Prusa will do such an option later on !


Publié : 08/02/2024 10:42 pm
3DK a aimé
Reputable Member
RE: From 2 tool upgrade query ...

FW definitely supports any number of tools as people have unplugged them from the 5 head and it knew and worked 🙂

Publié : 09/02/2024 1:45 pm
Active Member
RE: From 2 tool upgrade query ...

Interesting, I couldn't test it since I only have a 2 head and my upgrade kit didn't ship yet.

Then there would be the option to find two other people, who also only need only one head, get the 2to5 upgrade 2 PSUs and splitterboards. and divide the cost and parts equaly 😛

Publié : 09/02/2024 1:54 pm
Damian Boizot
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: From 2 tool upgrade query ...

Interesting indeed ! @guyh - that's useful to know as that doesn't completely rule this out as a future option !

@multic0re haha i like your thinking here ! 🙂  ... but couldn't i just get the 1 to 2 upgrade + 1 PSU and 1 Splitter board ? 

or get the individual parts ... i feel the need to do a spreadsheet and tot up what all the parts would cost compared to the kits ! 🙄 

Publié : 09/02/2024 6:11 pm
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