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What is the starting Extruder for MMU3 ?  

Reputable Member
What is the starting Extruder for MMU3 ?


after some time I worked again to retune the MK3.5 + REVO + MMU3.

I have just realized that with multicolor object, the PrusaSlicer is inconsistent 😐 

I was printing a redesigned ORIGINA PRUSA keychain: 3 colors, base=black (Fil4), Original=orange (Fil1), PRUSA=white (Fil2)

It should start with black since the whole plate is black, but, surprise surprise, it start selecting the filament 2 (white), and it does the initial purge, and the initial tower, just to realize that the object is black, and then unload the white and load the black, and do purge again.

- How can set PrusaSlicer to know that if the initial object to print is Black, it should start selecting filament 4 ?

of course during the print it continues to switch to white to do the tower, and then switch again to the correct color, wasting filament and time.

I should have forgotten something in the settings. 🤔 

I can also see from the generated GCODE that it select the T1, that is filament 2 (T0 is filamnet 1)



Best Answer by Antimix:

Solved. 😊

I re-checked the profile and for an unknown reason, I discover that in the past I had messed up the default printer setting and saved that.

The highlighted parameters were inconsistent 😲 . I have reverted back to their default values.


Napsal : 17/06/2024 3:06 pm
Reputable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: What is the starting Extruder for MMU3 ?

Solved. 😊

I re-checked the profile and for an unknown reason, I discover that in the past I had messed up the default printer setting and saved that.

The highlighted parameters were inconsistent 😲 . I have reverted back to their default values.


Napsal : 17/06/2024 3:34 pm