Selector moves to next filament slot before unloading after MMU2 reset
So, I woke up this morning to a printer [mk3s mmu2] in "I need fixing mode" and usually, this is easy to fix. This time the light on the MMU was solid green with filament still loaded. So, I manually pulled out the filament from the back and the light remained green. With no other way to resume the print, I decided to hit the reset button on the side of the MMU. I then ran into a problem I've seen many times before with the MMU after hitting the reset button which is after the next color finishes, the MMU moves to the next color BEFORE unloading fully leaving the filament stuck and sometimes very hard to remove.
Is there a reason it does this? Can I do something other than hitting reset on the MMU to get it out of default mode? Why was the indication light solid green and not flashing orange like it usually does?
RE: Selector moves to next filament slot before unloading after MMU2 reset
Possibly fillament sensor issues
Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out