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MMU2S Strange events since 1.0.6  

Eminent Member
MMU2S Strange events since 1.0.6

So since upgrading to 1.0.6 I am getting some weird things happening using my MMU2S. I get the 5 red/green flashing (I have re-seated all the cables). If during a pause during print and unload and reload a filament (it got tangled) , the unload behaved like I didnt have the MMU2 connected , i.e. message to press the knob to unload. Then when loading the filament back , got an MMU2 failure and it resumed and through about 10-20 small moves its loaded the filament to the extruder . The other thing I see is during initialization the filament selector goes from left to right and bangs hard against the right hand side (past 5) with a loud grinding noise for many seconds per bang , not like the old touch and return 3 times.

I haven't done a factory reset yet and was wondering if anyone has any advice on what I am experiencing. Up to this point MMU2S has been fine.

Respondido : 06/02/2021 11:09 pm
New Member
RE: MMU2S Strange events since 1.0.6

Hi there!

MMU2S unit made a lizard without issues. No change and next Model is no working. I checked everything. No mechanical, no wiring, no finda, no ir Sensor failure. 

Here is a videó and fotos. 

Filament in Slot 3,but mmu2s unit think filament in slot1! Uppff whaat?! 

Unloading failed, because MMU2S try from Slot 1 Unloading. 

After reset MMU2S is working with same color. 

It is a strange working method. 

Firmware 1.0.6. and 3.9.3


Thank for your help. 






Respondido : 08/02/2021 7:41 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: MMU2S Strange events since 1.0.6


Can you please move your post to a new topic as it has nothing to do with my post

Respondido : 09/02/2021 12:06 am
Eminent Member
RE: MMU2S Strange events since 1.0.6
Posted by: @plugs

So since upgrading to 1.0.6 I am getting some weird things happening using my MMU2S. I get the 5 red/green flashing (I have re-seated all the cables). If during a pause during print and unload and reload a filament (it got tangled) , the unload behaved like I didnt have the MMU2 connected , i.e. message to press the knob to unload. Then when loading the filament back , got an MMU2 failure and it resumed and through about 10-20 small moves its loaded the filament to the extruder . The other thing I see is during initialization the filament selector goes from left to right and bangs hard against the right hand side (past 5) with a loud grinding noise for many seconds per bang , not like the old touch and return 3 times.

I haven't done a factory reset yet and was wondering if anyone has any advice on what I am experiencing. Up to this point MMU2S has been fine.

I've been having this issue intermittently with my MMU2S and it's annoying. So very annoying.

I first contacted support who advised me to reseat the power connectors in the PSU. I'm using the original silver one that came with my Mk3 kit. After I kept having the same issue, they sent me out a replacement board. Worked fine, but then began shortly afterwards.

My solution was a temporary one, making sure there was no stress on the cables on the back of the MMU2S and resetting it every time. Not ideal, of course.

Then, last week, I decided to take it apart, print the latest available printed parts, and rebuild it entirely. Worked for 2 prints, then just there it flashed all 5 LEDs red/green and dove into the reset loop.

I'm running the latest firmware on it, tho tempted to downgrade back to 1.0.5 or 1.0.4 to see if that helps. Might even test it with my new black PSU from my Mk3S+ to see if it's a PSU issue.

Respondido : 09/02/2021 3:27 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: MMU2S Strange events since 1.0.6


Would be extremely grateful to see the results of your test as I dont have a different power supply and I have done exactly what you have done.

Respondido : 09/02/2021 5:19 pm
New Member
RE: MMU2S Strange events since 1.0.6

I am having exactly the same problem. The MMU2S worked fine for a good time, but now it seems to have issues detecting the right endstop.

Sometimes initialisation is repeated several times and than it works, sometimes it takes several resets / power cycles to work.

This is really annoying. Can we please have a qualified answer from the support ?

Of course everything is flashed to the latest versions.

Respondido : 11/02/2021 9:34 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: MMU2S Strange events since 1.0.6

This is the problme I see and captured on video. Is this what others are seeing.


I used the add media button but no idea if this actually works

Esta publicación ha sido modificada el hace 4 years 2 veces por Plugs
Respondido : 11/02/2021 8:37 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: MMU2S Strange events since 1.0.6

Update : So I decided to take the MMU2S to bits as I have had cracks in the idler before. So printed new idler and thought whilst I am at at it to upgrade the selector to the new V2 with the Magnetic Mod ( https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4104419) . Whilst doing this fond no issues with idler or selector BUT found this break in the idler body



Will update when all back together

Esta publicación ha sido modificada el hace 4 years por Plugs
Respondido : 12/02/2021 5:13 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: MMU2S Strange events since 1.0.6

Replacing the broken part fixed the major issue and reseating the cables at the PSU end again fixed all the troubles. SO I have a double whammy. Broken part and seating of the MMU2S cable on the Einsy board. Be aware this connection is very dodgy as its doent "clip" in for a rigid connection. I may even do a mod on the cover to have something to hold it in.

Respondido : 16/02/2021 4:41 pm
Eminent Member
RE: MMU2S Strange events since 1.0.6

Update to my issue with my MMU2S;

I received my new black PSU from Prusa several weeks ago, and installed it onto my Mk3S. Also swapped out the old MMU2S power cables for new ones, and the PTFE tube inside my replacement hotend (I bought an E3D pre-assembled V6 hotend but never changed the PTFE for the MMU2S). I also had to swap the orange PTFE tube for a replacement, as it had split at the connector end. After this, I factory-reset the MMU2S and flashed it with the latest firmware. I also swapped the data cable, as mine had a broken wire that I had soldered together as a temporary fix.

I am happy to say that besides some filament cracking in the PTFE tube due to moisture (old roll), I haven't had an issue (yet!) with the MMU2S and all 5 lights flashing red/green. It could have been the replacement power and data cables, or the factory reset. It's hard to tell, but it's working!

Respondido : 01/04/2021 9:42 am