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Globs and Slight Spattering from Nozzle in Wipe Tower  

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RE: Globs and Slight Spattering from Nozzle in Wipe Tower


Ah, interesting you're running PETG. So I believe yes that is a valid test, just make sure it switched correctly by watching the temperatures it's using but it should be fine.

Out of curiosity,  did you try your original print with PLA at all? The aforementioned blobs I experienced for the first time were with PETG in single filament mode, all my multi-filament prints were in PLA.

Napsal : 09/06/2020 10:20 pm
Active Member
RE: Globs and Slight Spattering from Nozzle in Wipe Tower


No all my tests have been with PETG.  My 2 color Benchy that came from the sample STL was the closest to completing, but then had the filament jam after like 7 hours.  My 2 color sheep also had a filament jam.  Both were the "MMU needs user attention" and I have not been able to recover from that.  My thought was hey lets do something with lots of color changing so I can tune the filament tips, but that let to the next issue which is the Wipe Blob.  

Napsal : 09/06/2020 11:42 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Globs and Slight Spattering from Nozzle in Wipe Tower

It's been awhile since I've messed around with my MMU setup and I got back at it this weekend. In a funny turn of events I also ended up reformatting this computer and reinstalling Windows on it as well as all the other applications including PrusaSlicer. Well, as steve-e3 has suggested, starting with a clean slate is the best approach. I am happy to say my i3 MK3S w/ MMU2S is working perfectly now 😀 

So what was the fix? Well I wasnt having any issues mechanically with the setup nor my custom filament buffering system. And while yes I did mess with a couple settings in PrusaSlicer I also set them all back to default which should have eliminated any settings being incorrect. However since it took a complete removal of the application and re-installation I  am left to believe there was something wrong with the software that wasnt dumping my setting changes after resetting them back to default.

Whatever the issue was, I have now successfully completed three test prints, each increasing in complexity, filament changes and length of print. The first two had zero issues, the third was a 10 hour print with 300 filament changes and I only had 2 failure to loads which were easily fixed. All the prints came out wonderfully.

Big thank you to steve-e3! You were a big help in troubleshooting and I really appreciate the time you gave to offer whatever you could!

If at first you don't succeed, redefine success!

Napsal : 23/08/2020 5:57 pm
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