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All lights flashing at completion of print.  

Print McPrinty
Active Member
All lights flashing at completion of print.

Has anyone else see this: Almost every time a print finishes I find the MMU with all the lights flashing and the filament still loaded. The screen will say the "MMU needs attention" and the bed will still be heated. 

MK2.5s with the MMU2s running the latest firmware. 

Publié : 08/03/2020 2:20 pm
Bristol Public Library
Active Member
RE: All lights flashing at completion of print.

Mine just did that, actually it was blinking before the print too, and reset the MMU.  


Publié : 10/03/2020 6:37 pm
Mary Tillios
Eminent Member
RE: All lights flashing at completion of print.

I have all the lights blinking and before printing. I find nothing wrong with that. This does not affect performance.

Publié : 11/03/2020 2:16 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: All lights flashing at completion of print.
Posted by: @michael-w19

Has anyone else see this: Almost every time a print finishes I find the MMU with all the lights flashing and the filament still loaded. The screen will say the "MMU needs attention" and the bed will still be heated. 

MK2.5s with the MMU2s running the latest firmware. 

These errors are often caused by a badly adjusted or dirty sensor. Remove any remaining filament and readjust the sensor with a piece of filament. On the lcd screen you can see the status: 1 is loaded, 0 is not loaded.

Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.

Publié : 11/03/2020 2:49 pm
Bristol Public Library
Active Member
RE: All lights flashing at completion of print.

Mine got worse this morning, flashing multiple times in a row, could barely start a print. I found the following post regarding blinking lights and power connections:

I don't know if it is fixed, but I did wiggle the wires to reseat everything, and it has not given me a blinking error this afternoon.  Hope it helps


Publié : 11/03/2020 7:15 pm
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