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Thermal Anomaly... and Revo  

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Active Member
Thermal Anomaly... and Revo

I have just updated to Firmware 3.12.1-5686.  It asked me if I wanted to be helped through the setup,  then peeped saying I have a "THERMAL ANOMALY"

I have searched these forums for those words and found nothing.  I have done a complete recalibration.  After XYZ all OK,  it said Bed:OK. Hot End:OK,  followed by All Correct.  After a short moment to display I will run XYZ cal. now, and without me pressing the knob to accept,  the screen went blank then showed a nozzle symbol (I think) in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen with no words.  I pressed the button and it carried on with the XYZ cal.  At the end it then started "Temp model cal." and starts peeping and shows "Thermal Anomaly".    If I try to Unload the Filament,  the hot end gets to about 120˚C, then I get the peeping and "Thermal Anomaly"

...grrr  Having written all that I am now reading in the release notes that this firmware does not work with the REVO...!    ...and I have to disable it via Pronterface and send G-code M310 S0 followed by M500.

...grrr  Pronterface does not work with Mac OS 13.2.1 Ventura

I am going to have a cup of tea.....


Veröffentlicht : 01/03/2023 5:38 pm
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Thermal Anomaly... and Revo

...and now I'm reading about some issues with the Revo and thermal control on the E3D forums.  Let's hope they can get it sorted.  I don't really want to go back to the old nozzle system.

Veröffentlicht : 01/03/2023 8:02 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Thermal Anomaly... and Revo

You should read the Mk3 firmware github.  LOTS of threads there.  and I mean loads.  Main one that's probably of interest though is

Have a careful read.  Especially about a potential reason for so many problems with the revo.  I found this reply interesting   

Veröffentlicht : 01/03/2023 10:20 pm
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Thermal Anomaly... and Revo

According to E3D,  it is Prusa problem   "....refrain from upgrading until stability has been resolved by Prusa."

The whole response here....

Greetings Rory.    Thank you for contacting us with your enquiry.

 The issue relating to the Thermal Anomaly is due to firmware revisions made by Prusa after version 3.11 and is not related to a product fault or function. As we are aware of the issue relating to the firmware Prusa released at this time are advising if using a Revo product to refrain from upgrading until stability has been resolved by Prusa.

We have also included this warning within our Prusa-specific upgrade guide:  For reference, you can find Prusa Github documentation for the current firmware and information on using 3rd party Hotends including the Revo via the following link:  Using an earlier firmware version pre-3.12 and re-running a PID Tune has resolved the issues in most cases so we would advise trying this if the issue remains please contact us again and we can advise accordingly. 

Kind Regards,  James - E3D

Veröffentlicht : 04/03/2023 10:01 am
Active Member
RE: Thermal Anomaly... and Revo

i just installed the Revo Six on my Prusa MK3+ with MMU2S with the latest firmware bus i gat an error thermal anomany every time  it bin several hours that i trying to fix en restart the printen bus notting works anyone sugesstions please i need to print parts

Veröffentlicht : 20/03/2023 7:08 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Thermal Anomaly... and Revo

try 3.11 firmware. 

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Veröffentlicht : 20/03/2023 9:58 pm
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Thermal Anomaly... and Revo

There is no alternative than to re-install 3.11      ....3.12 fails the thermal test and goes no further!       But 3.11 keeps telling me there is an update.

I shall continue with 3.11 until the geeks & boffins have sorted out if there is a problem or not and if is REVO accepted.....

Veröffentlicht : 21/03/2023 12:01 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Thermal Anomaly... and Revo

You can stop the ‘nag’ screen by going into one of the GCODE boxes in PSlicer and commenting out the top line that looks for update. Since you are changing a default profile you save the printer with a new name and just use that name.. no more messages about update. 

Veröffentlicht : 21/03/2023 1:26 pm
Active Member
RE: Thermal Anomaly... and Revo

Just upgraded a toasted thermistor and heater block to Revo6 and received the "Thermal Anomaly"

Confirmed as noted on this thread that Firmware 3.11.0 resolves the issue.  

NOTE: Re-Run the PID Calibration and First Layer Calibration after install.

Link to Revo6 Instructions:




Veröffentlicht : 21/06/2023 1:57 pm
Moderator Moderator
RE: Thermal Anomaly... and Revo

If you look at Prusa's GitHub for the next Firmware version 3.13.0 you will find that there is a  lot of work been done to resolve the Revo issues so don't despair, it will hopefully be available soon.

Veröffentlicht : 21/06/2023 2:33 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Thermal Anomaly... and Revo

While I upgraded to the revo version of 3.13.0 I made it past the calibration fine (NO errors) though on prints longer than 2 hours I get random thermal anomaly error  still. Even after doing PID tune etc.

Perhaps some small tweaks yet? But it works!

Veröffentlicht : 30/07/2023 7:40 pm
Jared Hillam
RE: Thermal Anomaly... and Revo

Finally got our printer working again, then this.  We’re on REVO and Firmware 3.13.0… we get Thermal Anomaly 🫤. Is downgrading the only option?

Veröffentlicht : 20/08/2023 4:43 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Thermal Anomaly... and Revo

I have just finished to upgrade the MK3S +MMU2S to MK3S+ (removed the MMU2 for now) and during the upgrade I finally installed also the REVO  quick change.

Now I followed the guide and I installed the E3DREVO_fw_MK3S_MK3S+_3_13_0_6873.hex firmware, and I got the Thermal Anomaly during wizard.

Then I tried the PID Calibration: the printer asked to set the temperature (210°) , and then on the LCD:

42/210° - PID Cal. 0/5 for 3 seconds and then

50/0° - PID Cal. 0/5  where the 210° become 0° and the temp started go slowly down again (the firmware turned off the heater ?)

Then it stays in this state forever until you reset.

If I set the nozzle temp manually (e.g. 90°) in a second it become 50/0° and the THERMAL ANOMALY message appears with lots of beeps.

It is like the temp go up only for not more than 5 degree and then raise an error and the firmware stops the heather.

- What do you suggest ? Going back to 3.11 ? And if so, does it exist a 3.11 REVO version ?



Veröffentlicht : 23/08/2023 10:13 pm
Active Member
RE: Thermal Anomaly... and Revo

i got the same Problem here thermaal anomaly 

Posted by: @antimix

I have just finished to upgrade the MK3S +MMU2S to MK3S+ (removed the MMU2 for now) and during the upgrade I finally installed also the REVO  quick change.

Now I followed the guide and I installed the E3DREVO_fw_MK3S_MK3S+_3_13_0_6873.hex firmware, and I got the Thermal Anomaly during wizard.

Then I tried the PID Calibration: the printer asked to set the temperature (210°) , and then on the LCD:

42/210° - PID Cal. 0/5 for 3 seconds and then

50/0° - PID Cal. 0/5  where the 210° become 0° and the temp started go slowly down again (the firmware turned off the heater ?)

Then it stays in this state forever until you reset.

If I set the nozzle temp manually (e.g. 90°) in a second it become 50/0° and the THERMAL ANOMALY message appears with lots of beeps.

It is like the temp go up only for not more than 5 degree and then raise an error and the firmware stops the heather.

- What do you suggest ? Going back to 3.11 ? And if so, does it exist a 3.11 REVO version ?




Veröffentlicht : 26/08/2023 7:41 pm
Active Member
RE: Thermal Anomaly... and Revo

i got the same Problem here thermaal anomaly 

Posted by: @antimix

I have just finished to upgrade the MK3S +MMU2S to MK3S+ (removed the MMU2 for now) and during the upgrade I finally installed also the REVO  quick change.

Now I followed the guide and I installed the E3DREVO_fw_MK3S_MK3S+_3_13_0_6873.hex firmware, and I got the Thermal Anomaly during wizard.

Then I tried the PID Calibration: the printer asked to set the temperature (210°) , and then on the LCD:

42/210° - PID Cal. 0/5 for 3 seconds and then

50/0° - PID Cal. 0/5  where the 210° become 0° and the temp started go slowly down again (the firmware turned off the heater ?)

Then it stays in this state forever until you reset.

If I set the nozzle temp manually (e.g. 90°) in a second it become 50/0° and the THERMAL ANOMALY message appears with lots of beeps.

It is like the temp go up only for not more than 5 degree and then raise an error and the firmware stops the heather.

- What do you suggest ? Going back to 3.11 ? And if so, does it exist a 3.11 REVO version ?




Veröffentlicht : 26/08/2023 7:41 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Thermal Anomaly... and Revo


Finally my MK3S+ with FW E3DREVO_fw_MK3S_MK3S+_3_13_0_6873.hex is working with the REVO 6 nozzle, with no errors, and it was able to pass all the calibration PID steps of the wizard.

E3D support was not able to give me any clue ☹️, we had only a couple of mails and then silence. Not very good support. 😑

So I had to solve the issue by myself. To make a long story short, it seems the PRUSA firmware (the E3D version is basically the same) make big use of the parameters stored in EEPROM, and the existing EEPROM values deviate the FW behaviour that messed up, and it is not able to retune itself to a new HW situation.


Just FACTORY RESET the printer and CLEAR ALL DATA 😆 .

After that, no pre-existing values will interfere with the Wizard, and all the PID processes and Hot-end accesses will be recalculated and all will work fine. I was finally able to complete the wizard and do some prints now with the REVO.

Veröffentlicht : 26/08/2023 8:16 pm
carlmmii, Jeník und Sweet1227 gefällt das
Trusted Member
RE: Thermal Anomaly... and Revo

I will give that a try as well. While I had no issues with the Firmware upgrade to the 3.13.0 revoe3d  and passed the Thermal Anomaly tests. My issue was during a longer print where it throws random spaced beeps with "Thermal Anomaly" then continues. During those beeps the extruder does every so momentarily pauses (causing artifacts).

Veröffentlicht : 27/08/2023 1:52 pm
Active Member
RE: Thermal Anomaly... and Revo

it doesn't work for me the update of the revo6 I keep getting the error of thermal anomaly and keeps asking for the calibration pid but it always gives an error maby because i use the MMU2S and in the software download is this for the mmu3 i did a factory reset and cleared all data

Diese r Beitrag wurde geändert Vor 1 year 2 mal von Bizance
Veröffentlicht : 27/08/2023 6:08 pm
RE: Thermal Anomaly... and Revo

I went thought the factory reset and "Clear all data" as well and I was able to go through the whole calibaration process. However, I now get "THERMAL ANOMALY" during printing frequently as a message. It does not affect printing and it just continues, but the error message still appears frequently.

Posted by: @antimix



Just FACTORY RESET the printer and CLEAR ALL DATA 😆 .

After that, no pre-existing values will interfere with the Wizard, and all the PID processes and Hot-end accesses will be recalculated and all will work fine. I was finally able to complete the wizard and do some prints now with the REVO.


Veröffentlicht : 28/08/2023 1:52 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Thermal Anomaly... and Revo

Yes that is my issue though I do note that there are small artifacts/issues at those thermal anomaly notifications/beeps

Veröffentlicht : 28/08/2023 4:36 pm
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