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Add more height to the MK3S+  

Don Pich
New Member
Add more height to the MK3S+

Greetings all!  
I've all but settled in on the Prusa i3 MK3S+.  However, the height of the print bed is a contributing factor and I'm looking for at least 350~400 mm in height of the printing area/platform.

Are there any modifications available to add height to the available printing area?

Opublikowany : 22/08/2022 5:26 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Add more height to the MK3S+

Try this for size!

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Opublikowany : 22/08/2022 5:50 pm
jsw polubić
Reputable Member
RE: Add more height to the MK3S+


Posted by: @don-pich

Greetings all!  
I've all but settled in on the Prusa i3 MK3S+.  However, the height of the print bed is a contributing factor and I'm looking for at least 350~400 mm in height of the printing area/platform.

Are there any modifications available to add height to the available printing area?


Besides the Zaribo that Joan linked (and the Caribou which is basically the same thing but under different ownership), you can also build a "Bear upgraded" Prusa, to basically whatever height you can find Z motors for.  The standard Z motors have a 320mm leadscrew (for a 210mm Z height), and I have seen motors with 420mm and 520mm screws for sale, for 310 and 410mm Z respectively (and I know people have built taller still).  As far as physically building the printer goes, it's simply a matter of cutting a pair of extrusions and the smooth rods longer than standard (in 100mm increments), and you'll need to also extend the length of the wiring harness from the extruder to your Einsy board.  There's another mod for 10mm smooth rods (8mm is standard) on the Z axis, which is highly recommended when building a "tall" bear, but it does lock you into using the Bear Exxa (an alternative X axis and extruder) rather than the stock Prusa X axis and extruder (Bear Exxa is arguably better, and definitely has better hot end cooling).

But you will have to modify and recompile the firmware yourself, and if you want to always have the latest firmware, you'll need to re-do this every time Prusa releases a new firmware.  I did this myself a few months ago (I built a Bear with 310mm Z axis), but be warned that it's not as simple as changing the one line in the firmware for the Z height limit (as I had hoped).  There were multiple changes required, and it took a lot of help from people on the Bear discord along with some trial and error, to get a firmware that would compile successfully and allow the printer to work correctly.  Also, since I used the Bear Exxa with the 10mm rods, I have to use the Bear firmware, so effectively I am using a slightly modified version of what was a slightly modified firmware to begin with.  If you are not comfortable rooting around in the firmware source and compiling it, the Zaribo/Caribou is maybe the way to go.

Be aware that there are multiple controversies surrounding the Zaribo/Caribou related to open source+credit, trademarks and who stole what (if anything) from whom.  I mention it only because depending on who you ask for help or advice related to them, you may run into people steering you to one, the other, or none of the above for reasons having nothing to do with qualities of the printers themselves.  Since I ended up building the Bear from scratch I have no dog in those fights but it was something I found when doing my research.

Links that may be useful:

My bear:
Opublikowany : 23/08/2022 10:50 am
Active Member
RE: Add more height to the MK3S+

I’ve modified two Prusas one each on Z and Y axis Mk3s and the first one, like you I wanted to increase height.  Tall Z is harder to stop very fine layer ringing resonance vibrations on a tall thin print.  You’ll have to print added support structures, wide brims or other solutions.  Even assuming the frame is dead stable.  Y axis extension is better if your prints can be designed in a print flat orientation. No adhesion issues and no vertical print fine lines even at fast print speeds. 

Opublikowany : 05/12/2022 5:16 am
Reputable Member
RE: Add more height to the MK3S+


Posted by: @app

I’ve modified two Prusas one each on Z and Y axis Mk3s and the first one, like you I wanted to increase height.  Tall Z is harder to stop very fine layer ringing resonance vibrations on a tall thin print.  You’ll have to print added support structures, wide brims or other solutions.  Even assuming the frame is dead stable.  Y axis extension is better if your prints can be designed in a print flat orientation. No adhesion issues and no vertical print fine lines even at fast print speeds. 

Did you upsize the Z rods to 10mm, or did you stick with 8mm diameter?
Opublikowany : 05/12/2022 5:49 am