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P.I.N.D.A. probe autocalibration details  

Reputable Member
P.I.N.D.A. probe autocalibration details

I would like to know more about the P.I.N.D.A. probe in MK2. I know the latest video mentions the upper part being at a certain spot, but what about the actual black probe part in relation to the nozzle. Should the probe always be higher than the nozzle? Or lower than the nozzle? How much? Is there documentation on this? How can I setup this autocalibration probe accurately?

It seems that if the probe is too high there is a danger of the nozzle hitting the bed, but if it's too low the nozzle will be too high thus resulting in the nozzle being too far away resulting in prints not sticking. Also, is there a possibility that the probe, as it goes past the just printed part, could wipe past it and lift it off the plate?

I believe to make the probe lower one should turn the upper screw counter clockwise so the nut goes up and when it's pushed down, the probe goes lower. Likewise, to make the probe higher, one should turn the upper screw clockwise so the nut goes down and when it's pushed down, the probe goes higher. Is that correct?

Publié : 28/05/2016 5:49 am
Eminent Member
Re: P.I.N.D.A. probe autocalibration details


I just wanted to ask the same thing: how to adjust the pinda probe. Early on, the guide says, 'we'll come to that later', but it never mentions what is the exact correct position of it.

Publié : 28/05/2016 9:09 am
Membre Moderator
Re: P.I.N.D.A. probe autocalibration details

Hi guys,

Did you warch the video hands-on that Josef just published ?

It.s here (hope the link is ok):

My understanding of the calibration is that the position of the probe provide a rough level of precision (with a prcision of some half mm maybe) and the additionnal phase based on calibration prints samples refine the precision downto 1/10 th of mm, or maybe less.

I'm like Jon Snow, I know nothing.

Publié : 28/05/2016 9:52 am
Josef Průša
Membre Admin
Re: P.I.N.D.A. probe autocalibration details

Hi guys,

the probe needs to be higher than the nozzle. If both are at the same level, the probe could hit the part being printed. The calibration g-code prints few circles with different offsets set to the probe. When you pick one, it saves the setting into the memory.

Check out our manual here There is a whole chapter on the calibration.

If you feel uncomfortable with this process, we found out easier way to calibrate the offset. We will publish it today 🙂

Founder and owner / Majitel a zakladatel
Publié : 28/05/2016 1:12 pm
New Member
Re: P.I.N.D.A. probe autocalibration details


I have to say it did work ok went I build it, the first layer was not to bad, not perfect but ok

But it getting worst and worst

So I restart at beginning

What if I did everything like video and manual

Run all test and pass

And am not able to get a correct first layer

Even if I am adjusting the live Z at -1.000

Move my probe 2 mm higher then what is show

Re did all test and pass

And still am not able to have a nice first layer

If move my probe a bit higher , the nozzle will touch the bed or sheet of paper I should say

It like the firmware do not take care of live adjust Z value

I upgrade the firmware to the new version because had also problem with bed temperature over 93 C (now it fix)

But still not able to get a nice first layer except one time it did a very tiny layer and a other time a perfect one

Now went start a print, one in a wild, I Getting error like probe is not connected or the Sensor triggers to high, but never two time in a row and not every time

even if all test calibration pass every time without error

Live Z ajust at -1.500

So a put the bribe back to what it should be an now getting xyz calibration failed bed calibration point not found

it like the probe is not ok ... or I my comprehension is wrong

Sorry for my bad English ... I am French

Anybody out there to help please

Tanks very mush

Publié : 17/05/2017 3:21 pm
Active Member
Re: P.I.N.D.A. probe autocalibration details

The probe should be 0.75 to 1mm above the nozzle. Get some feeler gauges to measure. Once the XYZ calibration is finished, run the calibration V2 on the SD Card. Use the Live Z Adjust during the print to get a nice smushed first layer. It should be about -.500. So if the PINDA probe is 1mm above the nozzle, the Live Z Adjust will be closer to -0.250. If the PINDA is closer to -0.75mm above, the Live Z Adjust will be closer to -0.5mm. If your Live Z Adjust is greater than -1mm, then you need to raise the PINDA probe.

Publié : 17/05/2017 5:38 pm
Membre Moderator
Re: P.I.N.D.A. probe autocalibration details

@marc.c: have you read, and understood this thread?

dem inscheniör is' nix zu schwör...

Publié : 17/05/2017 5:43 pm
New Member
Re: P.I.N.D.A. probe autocalibration details

Hi Tks for answer

I have some filer gage and have exactly 1mm from probe and nozzle

Also I have Honza from Prusa

Asking for test

Like commande G80 calibration and G81 result

This give some mesure from 9 spots testing

I do not get similar result from 3 try

So waiting for conclusion


Publié : 17/05/2017 6:03 pm
New Member
Re: P.I.N.D.A. probe autocalibration details


Did not work with probe at 1.000 frime nozzle and live ajust at -1.000

This morning did a factory reset

Ajust my probe at 1.35 mm from bed , with nozzle touching bed

Run test calibration xyz

Run v2 calibration but was not able to get un nice layer with live adjust Z at -1.000


I move axis z to 0

Put a sheet paper on bed

And with live ajust z, try to move so the nozzle touch the paper

And got .... -2.640

So I think the probes is to sensitive

What do you think



Publié : 18/05/2017 3:36 pm
New Member
Re: P.I.N.D.A. probe autocalibration details

Receive a new prob very fast and now is work perfecly


Publié : 30/05/2017 5:40 pm
Trusted Member
Re: P.I.N.D.A. probe autocalibration details

Where did you get your probe, did you purchase the probe from Prusa or some aftermarket one. I believe mine did the same thing as yours and now I have a Prusa i3 MK2 brick sits at the corner of my garage and collecting dust. 🙁

Publié : 06/09/2017 12:56 am
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