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XYZ calibration fails on second round  

New Member
XYZ calibration fails on second round

I'm trying to calibrate my newly assembled MK3. Self test passes, but when I run the XYZ calibration, it fails. On the first round of calibration (the one where you protect the bed with a sheet of paper) all four calibration points are found, but on the second round, it fails on point three of four, giving me an error: bed calibration point not found - even though it was found on the first round. I've got an email into support, but I thought I'd ask here to see if anyone has run into something similar. I am using the latest firmware. Any help is appreciated.

Napsal : 07/01/2018 8:14 pm
Active Member
Re: XYZ calibration fails on second round

I just got my kit put together and am having the exact same problem: makes it through the first go round, but after the first point on iteration two, it fails with "calibration point not found." What resolved it for you?

Napsal : 08/05/2018 3:20 am
Reputable Member
Re: XYZ calibration fails on second round

Check if your pinda probe is to high. Refer to the building instructions.


Napsal : 08/05/2018 8:40 pm