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Buddycam networking/firewall/privacy  

New Member
Buddycam networking/firewall/privacy


I noticed the pairing is via Wifi rather than directly to the Core One, could you please comment on how this actually works in practice? What connections will the camera make and for what purposes, and will it be feasible to access the unit completely locally in an air-gapped environment.


Posted : 24/01/2025 8:49 pm
Prominent Member
RE: Buddycam networking/firewall/privacy

It seems to me that the camera pairing is through PrusaConnect, i.e. Prusa's servers so no air-gapping. I could be wrong though.

If you are concerned about keeping your printer and camera air gapped, you might want t0 look into OctoPrint as your printer server. Reading between the lines, I think the only customers that Prusa is currently willing to allow to run their own PrusaConnect servers are Prusa Pro customers (specifically AFS customers).

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Posted : 25/01/2025 6:47 pm
Prominent Member
RE: Buddycam networking/firewall/privacy

I agree with the above - most like a PrusaConnect integrated system.....

I'm not ordering it just yet. Not until the details are clearer.....

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Posted : 26/01/2025 1:08 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Buddycam networking/firewall/privacy

Seems like something that could be integrated into PrusaLink - paired so it can view/stream to a BuddyCam from there but LAN only.

Posted : 27/01/2025 11:13 pm