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Estimable Member

Wasn't it said that a camera option would be available for the Core Ones? Is that the BuddyCam then? Can't really be or how would that fit in the case?

Anyone knows anything? Just in case the preorder finalization comes in and I wouldn't waste too much time figuring that out

Posted : 13/01/2025 11:14 am
RE: BuddyCam


I don't know if this is the final version but the fact their showing it off I would assume it would be very similar to what will be released. 

Posted : 13/01/2025 7:05 pm
RE: BuddyCam

It's in the shop now:

Posted : 22/01/2025 2:52 pm
Brian and iftibashir liked
Prominent Member
RE: BuddyCam

It looks like it might (remember, I'm guessing here) be the buddy cam guts in a new suit.

If it is, I have a question or two for people who already have a buddy cam. Does it really need to be plugged into the xBuddy USB-C port for power, or can any USB-PD supporting USB wall charger work (leaving the xBuddy USB-C port available for OctoPrint)? If so, can the Buddy camera be linked to both PrusaConnect and still be accessed as an IP camera by OctoPrint?

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Posted : 22/01/2025 10:40 pm
Prominent Member
RE: BuddyCam

AFAIR you can power it from any USB-C plug that delivers 5V 1A (and I'd expect even less, something like 0.5A).

If the cable and pinout were different it would be a total horror.

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Posted : 22/01/2025 10:51 pm
Prominent Member
RE: BuddyCam

Yeah, looking at the specs it wants 5V 1A, so USB-PD is probably overkill.

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Posted : 22/01/2025 11:50 pm
Honorable Member
RE: BuddyCam

I'm considering buying this for original Prusa enclosure.  It looks like it would fit in the corner just like on the core one.  If it didn't it probably wouldn't be hard to design a mount or new shell. 

I avoided the original buddy cam because it looks ridiculous, like a baby monitor.

Posted : 23/01/2025 3:27 am
Eminent Member
RE: BuddyCam

Got a Mk4S and enclosure at work, and a mini with enclosure at home.   Both need cameras.  I wonder if this would fit and give a useful view in the Mk4S or mini enclosure?  They look superficially very similar.

Still saving up for a Core One at home...


Posted : 26/01/2025 2:50 pm
Prominent Member
RE: BuddyCam

I wound't be surprised if the corner camera enclosure was compatible with MK4 and Mini enclosures.

See my GitHub and for some 3d stuff that you may like.

Posted : 26/01/2025 3:15 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: BuddyCam

I woudl say it will fit by the geometry, but lack the tilt/pan feature. So, basically a choice between functionality here

Posted : 27/01/2025 9:06 am
Honorable Member

I imagine you could use washers or some sort of shim to adjust the view angle, but once it's set there's no need to move it anyways. 

Posted : 27/01/2025 12:15 pm
RE: BuddyCam

Shim it with additional magnets.  I don't think washers will work.  It looks like it is tricky to get into its place properly.  I can see people working up lots of mods on this design.  

Posted : 02/02/2025 12:55 am
Eminent Member
RE: BuddyCam

That camera solution is rather disappointing in my view. I'm ok with making it an optional upgrade at extra cost. But why is it such a compromised solution?

Why does the camera need its own WLAN connection? Not only is it fiddly to set up and needs that homemade-looking external antenna, but it also totally undermines Prusa's promise of "no WLAN if you don't want it, we can do wired LAN too". Why can't the camera transmit images over USB to the main controller, and on to the LAN or WLAN from there?

And what's up with the image update rate? One image every 10 seconds, according to the initial Core One reviews?!  Where does that bottleneck come from -- I am sure the camera itself could to much better?

Posted : 02/02/2025 12:27 pm
Trusted Member
RE: BuddyCam

I don't think the main board can do it because it wasn't designed for a camera - doesn't either have the additional video encoding and/or ability (cpu/network bandwidth) to send that video to a remote viewing device.

99% sure the frame rate is simply an intentional limitation of Prusa Connect.  It isn't as if a smartphone or laptop web cam (the original Prusa Connect camera solutions) can't do 30-60 fps on their own - they're still limited to one photo every several seconds thru PC.  It's more of a server bandwidth limitation.  They're supposed to be working on a LAN viewing solution that streams the full frame rate of the camera.  Would be a little more complicated to have this be available when you're outside your LAN though.

Posted by: @jurgen-7

That camera solution is rather disappointing in my view. I'm ok with making it an optional upgrade at extra cost. But why is it such a compromised solution?

Why does the camera need its own WLAN connection? Not only is it fiddly to set up and needs that homemade-looking external antenna, but it also totally undermines Prusa's promise of "no WLAN if you don't want it, we can do wired LAN too". Why can't the camera transmit images over USB to the main controller, and on to the LAN or WLAN from there?

And what's up with the image update rate? One image every 10 seconds, according to the initial Core One reviews?!  Where does that bottleneck come from -- I am sure the camera itself could to much better?


Posted : 03/02/2025 1:37 am
Jürgen liked
RE: BuddyCam

My son is staunch against buddy cam and prusa connect,  I am not sure what to think.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Posted : 03/02/2025 2:49 am
Honorable Member
RE: BuddyCam

For power I'm planning on just plugging it into my Kasa smart plug power strip.  It has 3 controllable USB plugs on it.  I'll design a mount for a female to female USB connection to mount on the outside of the enclosure so that I can easily unplug it if I need to. This will also allow the cord to be zip tied or put inside channel on the enclosure with a disconnect on the outside.  

Posted : 03/02/2025 2:49 am
Prominent Member
RE: BuddyCam

At this point I'm more inclined to put a small Ring Indoor camera into the thing somewhere! Nice, relatively smooth, and clear video feed. I only ever start a print locally, and check the first layer before leaving unattended - although by that I mean I stay local and check in every now and then. Saying that, stick the printer on a smart plug, and that's my remote emergency stop sorted! lol

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Posted : 03/02/2025 9:09 am