Need help downloading Prusaslicer
I’m a brand new user. I downloaded Prusaslicer but the defaults are for Prusa mini, even though I selected Prusa i3 MK3S. I worry that if I try to use the mini defaults, it won’t work well for me. Can anyone help?
Best Answer by jwvaughn:
One of the options is to Add/Remove presets. If they are not showing up or can't be added then there is a bigger problem.
I had a problem several years ago and to fix it I needed to uninstall the slicer then delete the f0lder PrusaSlicer in C:\Users\[user]\AppData\Roaming (c: is the usual drive but your configuration could be different). Then I reinstalled the slicer and all was well. Note AppData is usually hidden so you need to enable viewing hidden files.
I would be surprised if Prusa was tucking something in the registry that cause the problem described. So, if nothing above works, then I would contact Prusa.
In slicer's right hand pane -
Click on the dropdown next to whichever printer is showing in the Printer: box.
Scroll down to Add/Remove printers, click, choose Add/Remove presets, click...
And make your choices.
RE: Need help downloading Prusaslicer
Thanks for the reply. I've tried that. I've now installed and uninstalled the program 3 times, hoping that when I go to that dropdown, that I will see my printer. Each time, I only see the mini. I wonder if I should uninstall again, and this time, delete the Prusa folder I put the program in, and then try another install? (The first time i downloaded the program, I inadvertently left the mini there as a default). I will try that, and see what happens because what you say makes see - it's just that the only printer option I see in the dropdown, is the mini. Thx again.
RE: Need help downloading Prusaslicer
Rerun the configuration assistant and select your printers and deselect any you don't have. Then your printer should appear in the pulldown on the right.
Prusa I3 Mk2 kit upgraded to Mk2.5s, Ender3 with many mods, Prusa Mini kit with Bondtech heat break, Prusa I3 Mk3s+ kit
Scroll down - there should be the option to add/delete.
RE: Need help downloading Prusaslicer
well i'm still struggling. I uninstalled the program, reinstalled, and got the same results. Went back in, saw that I had 3 versions of the program (sigh!) uninstalled them, found versions still in explorer, and deleted them as well as the Prusa folder. Went back to the download page, to the i3 MK3S+ drivers and apps 2.40, and downloaded again. This time I made sure that i3 MK3S+ was selected as my printer. Ran the exe and opened Prusaslicer. Found the mini as my default printer. Opened the configuration wizard, and the only options offered for printers are the mini and the SL1 family. When I select none for the mini and the SL1, it then offers me a range of non Prusa printers to choose from. It's almost as if the download page has the wrong files loaded into the i3 MK3S+ dropdown.
Which operating system are you using?
RE: Need help downloading Prusaslicer
Hi there. I'm using windows 10 on a laptop. I tried downloading the mini Prusaslicer app in a desperate attempt to see if Prusa made an error - alas, no! Then i tried loading an older version of Prusaslicer i3 to see if this would work. It didn't work either. In the short term, I'm using Cura - but I sure would like to be able to use Prusaslicer! Thanks for the continuing help - I've tried contacting Prusa - no response.
I have about a dozen operating systems here but not windows ... Does anyone with windows have any idea about peristent settings?
None of my Linux versions show the behaviour you describe ... try clicking on the gearwheel next to the printer dropdown, there should be an add/remove presets option there too.
Hmmm, or can you rollback your OS to before the first install and start over clean?
RE: Need help downloading Prusaslicer
I think the mystery has been solved! Thank you all so much for helping me! After Diem's last post, I thought I would download Prusaslicer on my iMac. I've been using a Microsoft laptop because the 3D program I've been working with (Designspark) is Microsoft compatible, not iOS.
However, I downloaded it and it loads correctly!! I am able to see my i3 printer, and can now slice without fear! Thank you again!
One last question. Does anyone have a suggestion for a (free!) 3d modelling program that operates on iOS? And, does anyone have a suggestion for a good 2d to 3d converter? I don't mind paying if I have to but, if there is something out there for free, what the heck!. Again, many thanks for those people who tried to help!!
RE: Need help downloading Prusaslicer
IMO DesignSpark is the best free CAD, but isn't it possible to run Windows progs on a Mac?
RE: Need help downloading Prusaslicer
I think only if you partition the Mac - and i don’t particularly want to do that. I guess I’ll continue with Design spark on Windows, save to a drive and then do the slicing on my Mac.
RE: Need help downloading Prusaslicer
Just to the right of the drop down menu for selecting a printer there should be a gear shaped icon. If you click on that it should take you to a list of printers to be added to the system.
If that still does not allow selecting your printer in the drop down. let me know and I will see if I can track down where that info is stored. I recall it is in a file somewhere but it has been a long time since I tracked it down. If that info is corrupted, deleting it and then starting the slicer up again should clear the problem.
RE: Need help downloading Prusaslicer
Thank you - I think it may be a Windows issue - I was able to download it to my Imac with no problem!
RE: Need help downloading Prusaslicer
Just to the right of the drop down menu for selecting a printer there should be a gear shaped icon. If you click on that it should take you to a list of printers to be added to the system.
Perhaps I'm misreading the above but the "gear" icon will display a list of configured printers. To add or remove printers use the Config wizard. I you look in the directory structure C:\Users\your user name\AppData\Roaming\PrusaSlicer, manually configured printers appear in the Printer directory, in your case that should be empty.
Having been around computers for many years I find that with modern software, particularly wizards, I often overthink. Clear every reference to Prusaslicer out of the machine, Everything is brilliant for this. Pay especial attention to the C:\Users structure. Clear your mind, run the Prusa install and walk through the config wizard, ensuring that in the first four tabs that define printers only Mini 0.4 is selected.
It may be a good ides to select the option on the Welcome tab.
RE: Need help downloading Prusaslicer
One of the options is to Add/Remove presets. If they are not showing up or can't be added then there is a bigger problem.
I had a problem several years ago and to fix it I needed to uninstall the slicer then delete the f0lder PrusaSlicer in C:\Users\[user]\AppData\Roaming (c: is the usual drive but your configuration could be different). Then I reinstalled the slicer and all was well. Note AppData is usually hidden so you need to enable viewing hidden files.
I would be surprised if Prusa was tucking something in the registry that cause the problem described. So, if nothing above works, then I would contact Prusa.
I feel incredibly silly! I have fund the issue - it's me! When I clicked FFF, and it went to the printer page, the first one it showed me was the mini. Little did I know (doh!) that I could scroll DOWN! When I did this I found my I3 printer! So sorry for this ridiculous newbie mistake. I now have Prusaslicer configured the way it was intended.
However, the positive aspect of this foolish mistake, was seeing how many people in the community are willing to help. Thank you all! Now, how do I signify my question is "answered"!
RE: Need help downloading Prusaslicer
Welcome to the "I can't believe I did that!" club. The good news is that now you are up and running 👍
BTW, thanks for reporting back that found the solution. It contributes to the knowledge base of things to check.
Have fun with you printer - jwv