Moon Lithophane Lamp with Prusament Vanilla PLA White
I can't get the lamp printed. I started by slicing the stl with the default settings in PrusaSlicer 2.5.0 and constantly got a clogged nozzle. A cold pull didn't help much. The stand I could easily print, but not the lamp itself. At some point, no filament is extruded. I tried to increase the hot end temperature to 225 °C without any success. I suspect this model is quite demanding due to the many retracts, but still the prusa mk3s should be able to finish it, shouldn't it? Any tips?
Best Answer by mrwsl:
Last update and solution: just don't use Prusament. I bought a filamentworld PLA spool and printed it with the same print settings as posted above with the difference of the according filament settings. In the picture you can see that all my previously mentioned problems are gone. I never came this far with Prusament.
In comparison, the Prusament was weird with the first layer to begin with. Even the standard benchy had numerous flaws and didn't properly stick to the bed. Same print with a different PLA—perfect. Basically, I can confirm what is written in the shop's reviews.
RE: Moon Lithophane Lamp with Prusament Vanilla PLA White
Who knows, as you haven't given anyone anything to work with. 'Standard settings', what standard settings ? There are several. Like what layer height are you slicing at ? Low layer heights are much more prone to issues.
If you want actual help then please save your project from Prusa Slicer, use File>Save Project As. That will save a .3mf file. The 3mf project contains the model but also every setting you are slicing with, any modifiers, how its placed, etc etc. It is a complete snapshot that allows more rapid debugging of what you are using. People can slice and look through the previews with all the options.
Be aware though that you need to ZIP up a 3mf file for the forum to allow you to attach it. The forum is very limited in its allowed file types.
RE: Moon Lithophane Lamp with Prusament Vanilla PLA White
My bad, of course. I thought I attached the 3mf file but it is too large for uploading. I cut the model now and exported the 3mf again now. Hopefully that is the wanted information.
RE: Moon Lithophane Lamp with Prusament Vanilla PLA White
I printed it twice on my MK3S/MMU2 with Verbatim PLA using the classic perimeter engine and everything on default using "0.2mm Quality" / "Verbatim PLA" / "MK3S & MK3S+ MMU single" build in profiles without any problems...
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RE: Moon Lithophane Lamp with Prusament Vanilla PLA White
damn edit time.... not correct, I set perimeters to 5.
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RE: Moon Lithophane Lamp with Prusament Vanilla PLA White
So weird. I'm almost through the filament spool without any success (thank god I have another printer that printed the model just fine). I had an extruder problem where the heat break wasn't completely in the heat sink. Still, the black filament printed just fine (print was aborted at roughly 50%). After fixing the extruder assembly the prusa still isn't able to print the model. At some point extrusion just stops for the white filament. I can unload the filament and autoload it just fine. In the attached pictures you can see that the gears just eat into the filament.
I'll give up on this one.
RE: Moon Lithophane Lamp with Prusament Vanilla PLA White
This is not the model's fault...
Obviously at one point (or two - there are signs of under extrusion in the lower part of your failed print already) during your print the resistance of the filament increases to the point where the extruder gear can not push it through the extruder anymore and the gears eat into the filament. Reasons for that could be: Misbehaving spool holder, entangled filament, wrong extruder temperature, changing extruder temperature, partial block of the hot end, defective PTFE tube in hot end, misaligned extruder gears, wrong extruder idler tension, someone interfering (cat)...
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RE: Moon Lithophane Lamp with Prusament Vanilla PLA White
I know it is not the model's fault. On another non Prusa printer, I could print the model just fine with a different filament. As I said I could even printed the model in black pla but I manually aborted it since I want the moon to be white. Only the white filament is super weird with a Prusa and this model.
RE: Moon Lithophane Lamp with Prusament Vanilla PLA White
White filaments often behave differently from others, due to the pigments, usually not towards the better.
If you have partial clogging issues my guess would be that either your hotend temperature should be increased slightly or that the environmental temperature is too high. Do you print inside an enclosure? If so, keep the doors open the whole time.
Mk3s MMU2s, Voron 0.1, Voron 2.4
RE: Moon Lithophane Lamp with Prusament Vanilla PLA White
My first suspect was my enclosure and heat creep. I added a heat sink to the extruder motor and removed the enclosure completely. For the extruder temperature, I printed at 225°. Do you think I should try even higher?
No, I don't think so. If you have removed the enclosure already and print at 225°C it must be something else then.
Mk3s MMU2s, Voron 0.1, Voron 2.4
What nozzle are you using?
Also, it can't hurt doing a cold pull, maybe there is a partial clogg in your nozzle.
I have just printed several lamp shades with Prusament white PLA in vase mode, not the slightest issue.
Mk3s MMU2s, Voron 0.1, Voron 2.4
RE: Moon Lithophane Lamp with Prusament Vanilla PLA White
I use a standard 0.4mm nozzle. I just replaced it just for this print to make the old one wasn't the issue. I can do a cold pull again. The moon lamp is somewhat problematic since there are so many retracts on each layer. They might be some sort of stress test.
In the screenshot only the retracts for one layer are visible.
Yes, retractions are the prime suspect for clogging but the question is why it would clogg. I know that issue from Fillamentum PLA at the lower end of its hotend temp range but not from Prusament which I have rarely ever seen clogging, as long as you don't print in a closed enclosure.
Is your idler tensioning too weak?
Also, if your extrusion gears are filled with plastic, it doesn't heart to clean them too.
Mk3s MMU2s, Voron 0.1, Voron 2.4
RE: Moon Lithophane Lamp with Prusament Vanilla PLA White
I wouldn't say so (also see the 2nd picture in my post above, At some point the gear is just eating into the filament with no possibility to push it further.
RE: Moon Lithophane Lamp with Prusament Vanilla PLA White
Last update and solution: just don't use Prusament. I bought a filamentworld PLA spool and printed it with the same print settings as posted above with the difference of the according filament settings. In the picture you can see that all my previously mentioned problems are gone. I never came this far with Prusament.
In comparison, the Prusament was weird with the first layer to begin with. Even the standard benchy had numerous flaws and didn't properly stick to the bed. Same print with a different PLA—perfect. Basically, I can confirm what is written in the shop's reviews.
RE: Moon Lithophane Lamp with Prusament Vanilla PLA White
That looks to me as if your Prusament White PLA settings are off for whatever reason. Either that or your filament is wet or you got indeed a bad batch.
Mk3s MMU2s, Voron 0.1, Voron 2.4