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How I print Small things ?!  

Trusted Member
How I print Small things ?!

Good morning guys 

I want to print small things. Like the photo or a thin axis. When I print so,etching like that there is a big mess to my print. It prints And the filament is like a ball of yarn.

some advice?! I use to put the big surface in the bed. I also try to increase the bed temperature.only the first layer is on the bed the other is moving with the nozzle. I use pla. 

This topic was modified 4 years temu 2 times by Cycleman
Opublikowany : 28/02/2021 10:13 am
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: How I print Small things ?!

Οne more problem. In sign with letters it creates some dots/point for some reason.

any ideas?!

Opublikowany : 28/02/2021 10:39 am
Honorable Member
RE: How I print Small things ?!

First issue sounds like first layer is not set correctly, follow this method then retry, I gather you have followed all setup procedures in tha manual?

Not sure about the second, some pictures would help please.

This post was modified 4 years temu by Clarmrrsn

Tank you very much!

Opublikowany : 28/02/2021 11:16 am
Honorable Member
RE: How I print Small things ?!

If larger objects print OK, and first layer is OK use a brim.

Tank you very much!

Opublikowany : 28/02/2021 11:22 am
Cycleman polubić
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: How I print Small things ?!


Thnx a lot. How much width mm is good for brim?!

Opublikowany : 28/02/2021 6:31 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: How I print Small things ?!
Posted by: @cycleman

Thnx a lot. How much width mm is good for brim?!

I use 3-5mm for a brim. That part should print fine without a brim. Be sure your PEI print surface is well cleaned and that your Live-Z is adjusted properly. Are you using a smooth or textured print surface? What filament are you using?


My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Opublikowany : 28/02/2021 10:11 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: How I print Small things ?!

A very thanx. It works thanx!!!!

one more short question for extrusion. I got dots in a top layer. As I read there is overextrusion.

I go to prusa slic3r then filament settings and I change where it says extrusion multiplier to 0,8 just to try. But when I print I go to print menu then tune then flow and it says the same or not?!that is the difference?!how can I save the flow value from the printer menu.


Opublikowany : 01/03/2021 7:39 am
Honorable Member
RE: How I print Small things ?!


Extrusion multiplier is explained here

If you are still having an issue after this please post a photo and someone will assist.

Tank you very much!

Opublikowany : 01/03/2021 7:50 am
Cycleman polubić