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Issues with PETG prints on the latest PrusaSlicer  

New Member
Issues with PETG prints on the latest PrusaSlicer

Hey all, I've been printing with PETG and with the latest Prusaslicer 2.5 I've been having issues with the generic PETG settings where the first layer won't stick and it's quite stringy. 

I printed a different PETG print using gcode created from an older version of the Prusaslicer about a year ago, and that one works fine - so it seems like the issue is the program itself? The temperatures of each look to be the same, but unsure if there are other variables I should be tweaking. 

Are there any PETG print settings I should be modifying for a successful print? Thank you!

Opublikowany : 23/02/2023 1:51 am
Famed Member

I'm not aware of any changes in Prusaslicer that would lead to that result but one thing you can do is to load the settings from your old gcode file using Prusaslicer's Import Config option. You can then compare those settings to your current ones using the Compare Presets button on the Settings screens.

Opublikowany : 23/02/2023 5:47 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Issues with PETG prints on the latest PrusaSlicer

I'll check this, thank you!

Opublikowany : 03/03/2023 3:56 am