First layer comes in scales/short lines
I'm doing a fairly simple print, the only issiue is that it is printed with ABS plus has to have horizontal orientation to not to brake (it has long lines). I managed to stop the warping, but it still has some ghosting, also support roof merged to a print and looks very messy. Those things are understandable to me and I'll try to reduce vibrations on belts (support roof has the same "rough" structure as with ghosting on the rims of the fish picture, so I think the reason for this is also ghosting). I also noticed "scratches" - long, singular, underextruded messy lines. The extruder is clean, might be either extrusion, retraction or temperature problem.
Pictures if you want to take a look:
But what puzzles me is this:
This is the bottom of the print - I used a brim. It looks like a normal line from the above, but the surface on the bed is made of blobs. I've never seen anything like it be it my print or any forums. Could anyone tell me the cause? I use ultem sheet, could it be it?
My settings:
- 0.4 nozzle
- 0.06 layer
- 0.2 initial layer
- 95% flow
- 30 mm/s print speed, including infill, wall, inner wall, outer wall and support
- 120 mm/s travel speed
- jerk and acceleration control off
- z-hop off
- z-seam on the sharperst corner
- cooling off
Support roof settings:
- density 50%
- pattern triangles
- thickness 1mm
RE: First layer comes in scales/short lines
Hello, it seems your Z is too low. Try calibrate Z 1st layer printing a square 4cm*4cm*0.2mm like you can find in the forum (for example Z live my way). For ghosting : belt tension.
MK3S & Fusion 360
RE: First layer comes in scales/short lines
Sorry - most forum users can't access external links to images unless you know them and have given them permission to view your files.
Try drag and drop - post the images here within the Prusa forum. The text box even changes colors when you hover an image.
RE: First layer comes in scales/short lines
I adjusted live-z and the blobs come in the wide corners now (first couple lines of brim) this is not a print - failing issiue so I'd say that's fixed. As for ghosting, I adjusted the belts and nothing, I'll try jerk/acceleration control. Also I noticed the printer's little legs became pretty lose, I don't think it may be the cause, I noticed this only because when I was changing filament some time before, the whole printer wobbled - the legs moved when I dragged printer closer to myself. I think the legs were moved before and I didn't have any ghosting, so the vibrations don't come from the frame/base itself.
RE: First layer comes in scales/short lines
Yes stability is important against ghosting, try to improve it, for example adding something heavy or something that will stabilize under the printer. You will find a lot of example in making a search.
MK3S & Fusion 360