Z Calibration issues. Machine thinks z zero is the upward position of machine instead of the bed.
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Z Calibration issues. Machine thinks z zero is the upward position of machine instead of the bed.  

Active Member
Z Calibration issues. Machine thinks z zero is the upward position of machine instead of the bed.

Hello all,

I need some help with my Prusa MK3.  You see when I do my x,y, z calibration, the x and y calibrate out fine but when it does the z axis it goes to the highest point of the machine and booms out.  The calibration at this point fails and it tells me to check the z connections and rerun.  At this point if I manually try to lower the z axis it thinks it is near the bottom rather than the top, so it will not manually go down.  It thinks it is at z zero or thereabouts, in the upward position.

Are my z motors malfunctioning or is the error in the person, Me!

Any and all responses would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,  Craig

Napsal : 21/09/2024 10:39 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Z Calibration issues. Machine thinks z zero is the upward position of machine instead of the bed.

What printer? Newly build?

We will do what we have always done. We will find hope in the impossible.

Napsal : 22/09/2024 11:20 am