Ticking sound on Z-axis causing wave pattern on layers?
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Ticking sound on Z-axis causing wave pattern on layers?  

New Member
Ticking sound on Z-axis causing wave pattern on layers?



My Printer (MK3 upgraded to MK3S) is making ticking noises while printing. The noise seems most pronounced when printing the first few layers or at least long stretches of material. It appears to originate from the Z axis steppers. Next to that the first layers seem to have a "wavy" pattern to them. I've attached a picture to this post showing what I mean with that. I'm looking for suggestions on what could be the source of the problem or why this happens if it is expected behaviour.


Next to an image I've attached a small movie captured during print in a zip file.


Few things I tried:

  • I've re-run the calibration steps. 
  • I've tested both 7x7 and 3x3 calibration and seen/heard no difference.








Best Answer by Neophyl:

Ticking noise is from the extruder skipping on the filament as it tries to extrude filament.  Looking at your layer 1 picture the 'waves' in the filament are usually from having your live z value too low (nozzle slightly too close to the bed) which pushes already extruded filament along in front of the nozzle.  Being too close causes increased back pressure as the filament can't exit and then the bondtech gears slip, casing that distinctive click.

It can happen at other times during printing too, things like over extruding on solid infill, parts contracting and lifting slightly from the bed (which moves the already printed plastic closer to the nozzle) etc.  Partial filament clogging can also cause skipping extruder clicks, always some thing to be aware when going from a  higher temp filament to a lower one, always make sure you have cleaned out the old filament fully.

Opublikowany : 12/10/2020 1:11 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Ticking sound on Z-axis causing wave pattern on layers?

Ticking noise is from the extruder skipping on the filament as it tries to extrude filament.  Looking at your layer 1 picture the 'waves' in the filament are usually from having your live z value too low (nozzle slightly too close to the bed) which pushes already extruded filament along in front of the nozzle.  Being too close causes increased back pressure as the filament can't exit and then the bondtech gears slip, casing that distinctive click.

It can happen at other times during printing too, things like over extruding on solid infill, parts contracting and lifting slightly from the bed (which moves the already printed plastic closer to the nozzle) etc.  Partial filament clogging can also cause skipping extruder clicks, always some thing to be aware when going from a  higher temp filament to a lower one, always make sure you have cleaned out the old filament fully.

Opublikowany : 12/10/2020 2:07 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Ticking sound on Z-axis causing wave pattern on layers?


Thanks a bunch! based on your feedback I used the live z adjustment to see the difference. And I now have a settings that allows me to get a first layer that's smooth as glass again. 


The sound is still there, but that's unrelated to the issue I described and doesn't seem to cause any problems.





Opublikowany : 12/10/2020 3:28 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Ticking sound on Z-axis causing wave pattern on layers?

I’m glad you have your first layer better tuned but I would still find out what the noise is. You shouldn’t be getting any noises on the z axis like that. I’d check you don’t have the sloped covers at the bottom near the motors down too Farleigh which is about the only thing I can think of that might be catching and causing sound. 

Opublikowany : 12/10/2020 4:05 pm