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RE: Strange Warping
Is that the textured sheet? The plain sheet does work better but according to the Book of Joseph for the textured sheet; "a brim may be needed for small prints and prints >180mm.....mwa ha ha ha ha..send money in a plain brown envelope and I will send a plain sheet".
OK it's not an exact quote but then I didn't exactly read the book either 🤣 🤣
Napsal : 27/05/2020 12:37 pm
RE: Strange Warping
The textured sheet must be meticulously clean for PLA to work on it... and IPA does not remove all contaminants sufficiently.
I've also found temperature plays a major role in PLA on textured. Try bumping by 5-10C.
Napsal : 27/05/2020 2:25 pm