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Where to find R4 printable Parts for i3 mk3??  

New Member
Where to find R4 printable Parts for i3 mk3??

Hi all, I recently had a misprint that blobbed up all over my hotend and melted some of my printed parts. I'm going to re-print them on another printer, but I'm having a miserable time finding the files. I have R4 parts and am hoping to replace exactly the parts I have since I don't know the difference between R4 and the R5/R6 parts. However, the Prusa site only points me to R5 parts while forums etc have pointed to R6. I am just trying to get my printer running in time to make some fun things for my wedding but feel so spun around by which parts/files I should print. For all the documentation around parts, there is miserably little detail going over which parts are compatible with which setups and what the differences between the revisions are. Any advice into this matter would be greatly appreciated - thank you!

Postato : 17/03/2023 8:13 pm
Extra Fox
Reputable Member
RE: Where to find R4 printable Parts for i3 mk3??

I don't know specifically about the "R4" parts, but Prusa makes all their parts available on Search for Prusa and then check out their collection. I believe you can also find them on their Github instance.


Postato : 18/03/2023 1:41 am
New Member
RE: Where to find R4 printable Parts for i3 mk3??

Just print either of them.  The number is just the revision,  and both will work.  Many times you can't even tell the difference on some parts because the changes are so small. 

Postato : 18/03/2023 4:30 am
RE: Where to find R4 printable Parts for i3 mk3??

@mtrowb I'm having the same issue, same glob disaster. Were you able to find R4 part files? I just need to replace like 2 parts and I don't want to have to redo the whole e-axis assembly.

Postato : 21/10/2023 9:15 pm