Objects Printed with MK3S+ Different Dimensions than PrusaSlicer Indicates
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Objects Printed with MK3S+ Different Dimensions than PrusaSlicer Indicates  

Active Member
Objects Printed with MK3S+ Different Dimensions than PrusaSlicer Indicates

I noticed recent prints were coming out at a different scale than I intended.  So I outputted a simple cube, 20mm per side, from Blender 2.82 to PrusaSlicer as an STL file to make troubleshooting easier.  Previously I set PrusaSlicer's defaults to reflect the dimensions of the MK3S+'s print bed.  PrusaSlicer indicated a cube, 20mm on a side, so I sliced it into gcode and printed it out in PLA.  The cube that resulted was, however, 16mm to a side, or a 20% reduction in what PrusaSlicer indicated.

I looked through the settings and didn't see anything that might reduce the size of print.  Does anyone have any tips?

(BTW, I tried to attach the gcode to this post with the "Add Media" feature but security blocked it.)


Respondido : 14/11/2021 10:28 pm
Famed Member
RE: Objects Printed with MK3S+ Different Dimensions than PrusaSlicer Indicates

The GCODE would be of limited value. The best option is to export the project from Prusaslicer's file menu as a 3mf file, then ZIP and upload it here. This way we can check all your settings to see if anything looks wrong. It's important to ZIP the file before uploading it, or the forum software will reject it.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Respondido : 14/11/2021 11:18 pm
Dan Rogers
Noble Member
Add media is for pictures...

What layer height were you using?  Not all layer heights will slice the dimension you expected ... on Z at least.

Respondido : 15/11/2021 5:28 am
Illustrious Member

As a cross-check, add a shape from within PrusaSlicer: Point at a vacant area on the bed, right click and choose Box.

This gives you a comparison in case it's an issue earlier in the chain.


Respondido : 15/11/2021 11:25 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Objects Printed with MK3S+ Different Dimensions than PrusaSlicer Indicates

The layer height is set at 0.3mm, which is the default, I believe.  I thought that might affect the Z dimension, but all 3 dimensions were equally affected.

Respondido : 15/11/2021 1:26 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Objects Printed with MK3S+ Different Dimensions than PrusaSlicer Indicates


File format "3mf" was not available for export in PrusaSlicer, but "amf" was.  Inserting that here...

Respondido : 15/11/2021 1:40 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Objects Printed with MK3S+ Different Dimensions than PrusaSlicer Indicates

Print using "shape-box" added from within PrusaSlicer just finished with the same result: cube that says "20mm" per side in PrusaSlicer outputs as cube with "16mm" per side.

It feels like there's some mis-translation happening in the printer itself, or some bug within PrusaSlicer that is mis-translating the slicer display's dimensions to the gcode, but I have no idea what it could be.

Respondido : 15/11/2021 1:43 pm
Illustrious Member

The nearest thing to a default layer would be 0.15mm - 0.3mm is the draft setting; it should be OK on a well set-up machine but might expose layer adhesion issues, not your problem but try a 0.2mm profile as a check.

Also check the Scale setting in the Object manipulation menu - bottom of the object pane once something is loaded.


Respondido : 15/11/2021 5:05 pm
Famed Member
RE: Objects Printed with MK3S+ Different Dimensions than PrusaSlicer Indicates

You can save the project as 3mf using the "Save project as..." option on the File menu.

4mm off is way too much to happen without a reason.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Respondido : 15/11/2021 5:46 pm
Illustrious Member

File format "3mf" was not available for export

File > Save project

@fuchsr is asking to see the slicer's current settings.


Respondido : 15/11/2021 5:47 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Objects Printed with MK3S+ Different Dimensions than PrusaSlicer Indicates


I've uploaded the 3mf file here.

Respondido : 15/11/2021 7:40 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Objects Printed with MK3S+ Different Dimensions than PrusaSlicer Indicates

The print at 0.2mm layer thickness completed with the same result: cube that PrusaSlicer said was 20mm per side came out 16mm per side.

Checking the Scale setting in the Object manipulation menu, it reads 100% for each dimension, with the absolute measurement per side as 20mm.

Respondido : 15/11/2021 8:15 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Objects Printed with MK3S+ Different Dimensions than PrusaSlicer Indicates


Are the slicer's current settings in this file?  If not, please advise how I can best report those.

Respondido : 15/11/2021 8:18 pm
Famed Member
RE: Objects Printed with MK3S+ Different Dimensions than PrusaSlicer Indicates

They're there. I'm running out of time today to check in detail or to do a test print but one thing that I noticed at a superficial glance is that the Printer Settings are way different from the standard Mk3S+, for example Gcode flavor is set to Reprap/Sprinter instead of Marlin. So my first stab would be to use the stock Mk3S+ printer profile and give it a try. 

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Respondido : 15/11/2021 8:24 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Objects Printed with MK3S+ Different Dimensions than PrusaSlicer Indicates

Thanks, it seemed so to me also.  Much too big for shrinkage in the printing medium. 

Respondido : 15/11/2021 10:02 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Objects Printed with MK3S+ Different Dimensions than PrusaSlicer Indicates

I used the stock Mk3S+ printer profile with the same result: what should be a 20mm-sided cube prints out as 16mm.  My brother has the same model printer I do, bought at the same time, and he sent me gcode his PrusaSlicer generated and which printed out correctly on his printer; however, that gcode still printed out a 16mm-sided cube on my printer.

So, it seems like something on my physical printer is screwy.  Any ideas what could be doing the mis-translation on the printer?

Respondido : 17/11/2021 4:11 am
Dan Rogers
Noble Member
Hmmm. Reflash?

Try re-flashing your printer.  Or contact support on the e-shop chat.

Respondido : 17/11/2021 8:36 am