nozzle temp changes no matter which filament profile selected ..
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nozzle temp changes no matter which filament profile selected ..  

Mike G
nozzle temp changes no matter which filament profile selected ..

Hi All,

just got a problem after a recent firmware upgrade - have selected a Flex profile in the slicer, and once  start the printer via octoprint, i notice the nozzle/bed temperature does change after short time to 160/0 degrees - no matter which profiled i have selected.- Has someone already come across this problem 


Veröffentlicht : 13/03/2024 7:29 pm
Mike G
Themenstarter answered:

well, finally after searching around an mas nobody was obviously havend had this problem i Found the solution to my problem.


There was obviously 3MF file which contained some strange settings, which had been imported into the slicer, overriding the default.

How did I find it..

I took the g-code into notepad++ And searched for the code M109 s160, Which I found in the initializing code for the printer.


I took the configuration Wizard for the slicer and went through all important steps to regenerate the machine, dependent default parameters for the printer - now, everything is back to normal

lessons learned:

never confirm change of settings when you import 3MF file into the slicer

Diese r Beitrag wurde geändert Vor 11 months 2 mal von Mike G
Veröffentlicht : 15/03/2024 4:16 am