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[Résolu] MK3S extremely loud  

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Trusted Member
MK3S extremely loud

I have had my MK3S for a long time, and it has always been this loud. I haven't heard anything like this amount of noise(around 55dB). Stealth mode is still 50dB. I can kind of hear it from two floors above. Does anyone know why it's so loud? Or is this sound normal? Please help...

(microphone 2 meters away from the printer)

Video recording

Best Answer by FerTech:


Mine also came with those ones, I assembled around 2 weeks ago. But different prints are giving me different results in the sense of noise. I tried adding some lubricant as instructed on the help area of the Prusa website but couldn’t find much difference. 

Placing it on top of the cement slab did improve reducing the noise. But I think I am still getting quite some vibrations. I think I want to try the squash balls feet, that seems to absorbe quite a lot of vibrations according to tests. 

Ce sujet a été modifié il y a 5 years par CovertPluto3502
Publié : 07/06/2020 12:26 pm
Trusted Member
RE: MK3S extremely loud

Hi there, where is the printer sitting on? Is it directly on top of a wood table?

I would recommend you to place it on top of a cement base for instance, check this video from CNC Kitchen, he did quite an extensive test and good explanation about the topic recently. 

Also I was asking similar questions recently and I have some recordings where other community members helped me to identify if there was a problem with these sounds or not, check this post.

Consider I only added the cement base to my printer today and I am noticing it being way more silent. The videos I shared on the previous link where captured just with the black base (you can now see it at the bottom of the cement plate), this is a square rubber piece of floor usually used in kids playgrounds for safety. 

Here a picture of my printer today:

Hope this helps!

Publié : 07/06/2020 3:23 pm
Estimable Member
RE: MK3S extremely loud

Mine sounds the same. When you hear people say it’s really quiet I think it gives people the wrong idea. It does sound like vibration noise from your video. You could test it by placing it into a hard floor. If that makes it quieter then a concrete slab will definitely help.

Publié : 07/06/2020 4:19 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: MK3S extremely loud


It does decrease it a bit, only by a few decibels. I think it is because different people are more sensitive to different sounds, we have a mixed opinion about whether the MK3 is quiet or not.

Publié : 07/06/2020 4:39 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: MK3S extremely loud


Kind of worked.... at least better than nothing.

The printer is still audible.........

Publié : 07/06/2020 4:42 pm
Estimable Member
RE: MK3S extremely loud

When it’s moving fast it’s always going to make a noise as the bearings are effectively metal on metal. Mine is only quiet when doing the first layer or if I turn the print speed way down... and when I mean quiet, I mean quieter than the extruder fan. Otherwise it’s always louder and I can hear it from downstairs (my printer is sat on a slab in a wooden cupboard upstairs). I have spoken to Prusa support about it and I sent them a video when it was new and they said it was normal.

Publié : 07/06/2020 4:50 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: MK3S extremely loud
Posted by: @covertpluto

I have had my MK3S for a long time, and it has always been this loud. I haven't heard anything like this amount of noise(around 55dB). Stealth mode is still 50dB. I can kind of hear it from two floors above. Does anyone know why it's so loud? Or is this sound normal? Please help...

(microphone 2 meters away from the printer)

Video recording

I would inspect the linear bearings and, if necessary, regrease them or change the rods and bearings if they are damaged (grooves, scratches, etc.)

Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.

Publié : 07/06/2020 4:51 pm
Trusted Member
RE: MK3S extremely loud

Hi, I think the first problem here is just saying "nosisy" dont really help

Is it mechanical such as bearings dry?  you would be able to tell that by the sound

Or is it vibrations through what it is sitting on?

At  the moment i am into a 26 hour print( stealth mode) and it is in my bed room. which means i can sleep with it running

I am light sleeper, whether i am used to it by now i dont know

I have got anti vibration feet of Thingyverse which are for the Anycubic Chiron printed in petg,I could not believe the difference.

Run them on all my printers. The main sounds are just from the fans running

Last week i took it apart and re greased the bearings, this could have made a big difference.

I must say when i was doing the covid 19 masks it was running pretty fast and hard, it did at times sound as it would explode

could it be you are just printing very fast, i think speed has a big impact on sound.

for me time dont matter and,slowing down a bit to get a good print and a bit less noise is fine my.



Publié : 07/06/2020 5:21 pm
Estimable Member
RE: MK3S extremely loud

There is no way I could sleep in the same room that my printer is in.

I use whatever speed PrusaSlicer / the printer uses by default.

What do you dial it down to, to make it so quiet? Presume using the printer control know and set a lower percentage? Does everyone who says it’s very quiet also do this?

Publié : 07/06/2020 5:26 pm
Trusted Member
RE: MK3S extremely loud


I think we are all curious to "hear" on a video how your printer sounds so we can have a reference....Do you think this would be possible?

Definetly I couldnt sleep on the same room as my printer is. Already the fans are quite loud....

Publié : 07/06/2020 5:45 pm
Estimable Member
RE: MK3S extremely loud

I’ve seen a fair few posts about the noise level of these printers. So yeah please post a video of yours...

and going forward I’d love to see a thread or database where people could submit there printer set up and sound videos, so people can compare more easily with others on where the printer is and what it sits on etc.

Publié : 07/06/2020 7:24 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: MK3S extremely loud


It is attached in my previous post. It is labelled video recording.

Publié : 07/06/2020 7:46 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: MK3S extremely loud


I just decrease the speed to 33% and enable stealth mode. All I hear is the print fan and nothing else. There is still an unnoticeable hum of the motors present.

Publié : 07/06/2020 7:49 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: MK3S extremely loud


Please check on my video recording in my first post of this topic.

Publié : 07/06/2020 7:49 pm
Friedhelm B.
Eminent Member
RE: MK3S extremely loud



i had similar sounds from the beginning (i bought a kit, thought, everything was lubed already). After about 6 month of printing i thought of doing some maintenance to my Printer and cleaned and lubed everything following the maintenance guides. That was a different like day and night.

Now i printed these foots: and designed small inserts in filaflex for these foots and everything is *really* silent.

one last thing, that gave some ratteling noise even with these feet was the prusa selector knob, which had contact to the lcd-base. I lifted the knob a *little* and now really everything is fine. 

Ce message a été modifié il y a 5 years par Friedhelm B.
Publié : 07/06/2020 8:11 pm
RE: MK3S extremely loud


I had some noise especially on the x-axis, replaced the idler on both the x as well as the y axis' with a 20 tooth double bearing idler, recomended by @Joan. The machine is running silent now. There is a small noise that comes from the z-axis that a slab would eliminate, but since I'm on lock-down and the store will be open for the first time tomorrow I'll pick up a slab that will reduce that sound then. Probably a marble or granite slab, whatever is available.



Stay safe and healthy, Phil

Publié : 07/06/2020 8:30 pm
Trusted Member
RE: MK3S extremely loud

Hi i dont know if i have put the video in the right place.

it sounds much different in the video, it seems very harsh and loud

but here is the anti vibration feet i use

Publié : 07/06/2020 8:47 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: MK3S extremely loud

I've mounted very soft squash balls, cut in half. The printer runs much smoother with that:


Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.

Publié : 07/06/2020 9:07 pm
Famed Member
RE: MK3S extremely loud

It's very difficult for me to tell, from this and similar videos, whether the example printers are louder or quieter than mine.  The 'two floors above' is more meaningful, to me, anyway, and does sound excessive.

Mine is sitting on a fairly sturdy home office counter top, using the standard included kit feet.  The office adjoins a bathroom and on the other side of the bathroom is a bedroom.  When sitting in the bathroom taking a bio break, I can most definitely hear the 'sssshhhhhhhhh' sound when it does a non-print move from one area of the print to another.  From the bedroom, with both doors open, I cannot tell if it is printing or not unless I really listen for it and the only noise I will hear is the 'ssshhhhhh' non-print move.

In any of the other rooms I can't hear it at all, including in the basement directly below the office.

If it would help, I would be willing to take a SPL (sound pressure level) reading on mine when it does that non-print move and post the result.

Publié : 07/06/2020 9:48 pm
Trusted Member
RE: MK3S extremely loud

For me its mainly the fans that i can hear, quite a lot of the time i dont use the fan for cooling as i am mostly printing very thin walled parts

at the moment i am printing the 3D print Labs F86 Sabre R/C model plane, which is only 1 line or .4mm  skin

this is why i dont really use the fan that much, this could account why it is quieter than some.

the other thing is the part it is making, dont have a lot of high speed travelling, more like vase mode.

I do understand that noise can be a problem, for me it is what type of noise really is the key to the whole problem.

My CR10S now that sounds like a jet fighter, its just the main fan, which i changed out to a bigger slower one.Its better but not where i would like it to be.

just a thought, could what type of print make the noise worse?

is it hollow and acting as a drum, or is it just back and forth, or is it the infill that some times sounds like a machine gun?


Publié : 07/06/2020 10:35 pm
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