Might need Simplify3D for one particular print - advice?
I'm printing parts from a large, multipart project and have one in the mix that's presenting issues for me with Slic3rPE and my MK3:
It's the GimbalSupport part that requires me to drop in a 1/4-20 nut at a given point. I've done this with one of the other parts with perfect results (the handles)... but this one requires supports (the other did not). The all or nothing presence of supports in Slic3r, however, means it adds useless supports in the cavity blocking where I need to drop the nut... so it's not as easy to tackle as the other print with a simple M600 at the required layer.
I understand Simplify3D would let me specifically turn off supports in that spot and possibly has other advantages, too. It's also a $150 purchase for printing one part in this case. I don't mind spending the money at all if there are enough benefits to owning S3D vs. Slic3rPE beyond just this immediate need.
I just worry that the most MK3-aware and perfected slicing is represented by using Slic3rPE. I'm also not sure I want to bother trying to build supports in some other manner in the model just to run it through Slic3rPE... though I've not pursued that yet.
I could also probably just ask someone here who feels they have great S3D settings to slice it for me, send me the gcode and I'll apply the M600 at the right layer. 🙂
I guess my real questions would be: how does S3D compare to Slic3rPE for the cost (factoring in the PE version catering very well to the genuine Prusa printer features) and would I end up being happier with it for daily printing?
Re: Might need Simplify3D for one particular print - advice?
I am in the exact same position... I am considering to use Simplify3D for one specific project. Slic3r is just not able to slice the model correctly (the supports are loading, and loading, and loading....forever), or it does it with useless supports.
I have done the same piece on a Ultimaker3 with Cura without any issue, the result was really perfect and Cura perfectly sliced my model in less than 10 seconds.
So now I am waiting for my MK3 kit and I am not confident in Slic3r possibilities.
About your question, the very new version (beta) of Cura is able to remove the support where you want. So you can have a try with it (but I still couldn't find any good profile for MK3).
You can also purchase Simplify3D and you will have one month to decide to keep it or not, on their website they say that they would refund your money back (no idea about the conditions).
Re: Might need Simplify3D for one particular print - advice?
About your question, the very new version (beta) of Cura is able to remove the support where you want. So you can have a try with it (but I still couldn't find any good profile for MK3).
You can also purchase Simplify3D and you will have one month to decide to keep it or not, on their website they say that they would refund your money back (no idea about the conditions).
I used to use Cura for everything on my previous printers until I started buying my genuine Prusa models and settled into Slic3rPE with the assumption that the profiles within are tuned to best exploit their features. I've not used Cura since that time, but would be willing to try again - though you suggest there aren't decent profiles yet?
Yes, I've also considered giving S3D the trial period - not just for this print - but to see how I feel overall. I just wanted to solicit some feedback on S3D overall with an MK3. I read through the 17 page (and counting) discussion about S3D settings for the MK3 which, frankly, didn't give me warm fuzzies if for no other reason than it seemed to generate so much effort, confusion and no clear declaration that the results were anything beyond adequate vs Slic3rPE in final print quality. Kind of pointless to have all the other great features it touts if the output can't exploit the best results of the printer... but I could be wrong (and I'm not criticizing S3D or its makers there at all in that remark... just focusing on what I perceive to be MK3-specific firmware/software pairing with PE).
Re: Might need Simplify3D for one particular print - advice?
Try mesh mixer...it creates supports you can customize and then slice with out supports in slic3r.
And mesh mixer is free
Re: Might need Simplify3D for one particular print - advice?
Yes meshmixer is free and awesome to add custom supports.
There are good YouTube videos that show you how to do it.
Re: Might need Simplify3D for one particular print - advice?
I was about to suggest mesh m8xer. Or add your own supports
I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK
Re: Might need Simplify3D for one particular print - advice?
I'm giving Meshmixer a shot right now. Those are certainly some odd noodley looking supports compared to what I'm used to seeing. 🙂
Fingers crossed!
- Aaron
Re: Might need Simplify3D for one particular print - advice?
Success after a quick run through MeshMixer. I had considered doing that, but hadn't dug into trying until after several of you suggested it. Some of the supports were a bit gnarly to remove, but I'm sure that's tunable. I went more or less with defaults, excluding them from the cavity I needed left open.
Printed fine, dropped the two 1/4-20 nuts into the slots this morning when I woke up to the Mk3 beeping for the M600 request and it finished shortly after. The rest of the prints for this project are straight-up Slic3r-capable.