how to use computer script/command to realize the adjust function on LCD panel
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how to use computer script/command to realize the adjust function on LCD panel  

New Member
how to use computer script/command to realize the adjust function on LCD panel

During printing using MK3, I can change some parameter like printing temperature, moving speed real-time on LCD panel. Is it possible that I can connect a computer and write some command to adjust some basic value like moving speed or flow(extrusion) rate?

Ce sujet a été modifié il y a 6 years par Eric.jin
Publié : 29/05/2019 3:05 am
Illustrious Member
RE: how to use computer script/command to realize the adjust function on LCD panel

Triggered by what?

There are ways using Octoprint, I think.  Or you can insert commands into the gcode file triggered by layer count or build height .   All depends on why and when you want to make changes.  Never tried making changes using Pronterface during a print... you could always hook up a PC and try it.

Publié : 29/05/2019 7:36 pm
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