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Error M112  

Eric F.
New Member
Error M112


Today I got this error when tying to print

Send: N600 G1 X143.938 Y79.144 E0.02211*95
Recv: ok
Send: N601 G1 X144.577 Y79.443 E0.02211*92
Recv: ok
Send: N602 M105*35
Recv: ok T:215.0 /215.0 B:57.7 /60.0 T0:215.0 /215.0 @:30 B@:127 P:40.0 A:38.7
Send: N603 G1 X145.156 Y79.848 E0.02215*91
Recv: ok
Send: N604 G1 X145.654 Y80.346 E0.02212*93
Recv: ok
Send: N605 G1 X146.059 Y80.925 E0.02215*92
Recv: ok
Send: N606 G1 X146.358 Y81.564 E0.02211*81
Recv: ok
Send: N607 G1 X146.540 Y82.245 E0.02211*88
Recv: Error:Temperature heated bed switched off. MINTEMP triggered !
Recv: // action:cancel
Changing monitoring state from "Printing" to "Error: Temperature heated bed switched off. MINTEMP triggered ! - // action:cancel"
Send: M112
Send: N608 M112*47
Send: N609 M104 T0 S0*46
Send: N610 M140 S0*98
Changing monitoring state from "Error: Temperature heated bed switched off. MINTEMP triggered ! - // action:cancel" to "Offline (Error: Temperature heated bed switched off. MINTEMP triggered ! - // action:cancel)"
Connection closed, closing down monitor


I upgraded to the latest firmware, but I got the same issue again.

I tried to do an"heatbed calibration", it failed with "Issue Err MINTEMP BED"

Any idea what first step I should do =?

Postato : 11/01/2021 5:06 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Error M112
Posted by: @eric-f-2


Today I got this error when tying to print

Send: N600 G1 X143.938 Y79.144 E0.02211*95
Recv: ok
Send: N601 G1 X144.577 Y79.443 E0.02211*92
Recv: ok
Send: N602 M105*35
Recv: ok T:215.0 /215.0 B:57.7 /60.0 T0:215.0 /215.0 @:30 B@:127 P:40.0 A:38.7
Send: N603 G1 X145.156 Y79.848 E0.02215*91
Recv: ok
Send: N604 G1 X145.654 Y80.346 E0.02212*93
Recv: ok
Send: N605 G1 X146.059 Y80.925 E0.02215*92
Recv: ok
Send: N606 G1 X146.358 Y81.564 E0.02211*81
Recv: ok
Send: N607 G1 X146.540 Y82.245 E0.02211*88
Recv: Error:Temperature heated bed switched off. MINTEMP triggered !
Recv: // action:cancel
Changing monitoring state from "Printing" to "Error: Temperature heated bed switched off. MINTEMP triggered ! - // action:cancel"
Send: M112
Send: N608 M112*47
Send: N609 M104 T0 S0*46
Send: N610 M140 S0*98
Changing monitoring state from "Error: Temperature heated bed switched off. MINTEMP triggered ! - // action:cancel" to "Offline (Error: Temperature heated bed switched off. MINTEMP triggered ! - // action:cancel)"
Connection closed, closing down monitor


I upgraded to the latest firmware, but I got the same issue again.

I tried to do an"heatbed calibration", it failed with "Issue Err MINTEMP BED"

Any idea what first step I should do =?

Are you printing in a cold environment or is there draught somewhere?

Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.

Postato : 11/01/2021 5:57 pm
Eric F.
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Error M112


I am printing in my company office, it is around 21-22 degree Celsius.


Postato : 11/01/2021 6:21 pm
Eric F.
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Error M112



The issue is with the thermistor, I will try to change the cable.


Postato : 12/01/2021 5:49 am
Active Member
RE: Error M112

I've been running into this as well, but only via OctoPrint (logs below).  If I use the printer to preheat first then the bed warms up promptly and then I can start the print via OctoPrint without issues.  So this leads me to believe it's not a hardware issue, but firmware or software?

MK3S, Firmware 3.9.3, PrusaSlicer 2.3.0, OctoPrint 1.5.2

Recv: T:215.21 E:0 B:30.7
Recv: // action:cancel
Cancelling on request of the printer...
Changing monitoring state from "Printing" to "Cancelling"
Recv: Error:Printer stopped due to errors. Fix the error and use M999 to restart. (Temperature is reset. Set it after restarting)
Changing monitoring state from "Cancelling" to "Error: Printer stopped due to errors. Fix the error and use M999 to restart. (Temperature is reset. Set it after restarting)"
Send: M112

Questo post è stato modificato 4 years fa 2 tempo da yvr76
Postato : 12/01/2021 8:15 pm
New Member
RE: Error M112


An intermittent open in the bed temp sensor wire can cause what you describe.  I found my cable fault right at the plastic hood at the point where the cable attaches to the bed.  This makes perfect sense because it would be a stress point as the bed moves back and forth.

I made this to show how to verify I found the problem.  Intermittent opens and shorts can be a real pain to find.  You can draw incorrect conclusions even using a multimeter or a TDR.  This method, while a bit risky, does let you verify beyond all doubt that you found the problem.

So it's clear that I did in fact cut out the bad section.  Now we just apply some solder and heat-shrink tube and we're back to printing!


Postato : 12/04/2021 2:20 pm