calibration fails likely due to PINDA not being aligned
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calibration fails likely due to PINDA not being aligned  

New Member
calibration fails likely due to PINDA not being aligned

I have this strange issue.  I've had my printer for coming up on 3 years now and have no problems until recently.  My prints started failing so I decided to run a full calibration on it... it failed on the XYZ calibration.  After some googling people said to check the pinda.  after watching closely I'm seeing that the pinda doea not line up on its spot after it auto homes.  Should the hotbed have a little play in that i can wiggle it or should it be firmly in place?  How else can I can i calibrate the home location because it does have enough freedom such that i can position the pinda directly over its spot manually. 

I appreciate your help. 

Publié : 17/04/2020 12:13 am
New Member
RE: calibration fails likely due to PINDA not being aligned

Have you checked for mechanical problems? just got a first broken wire after three years due to the continuous moving of the whole print head. screws can also get loose

Publié : 18/04/2020 7:02 am
Illustrious Member
RE: calibration fails likely due to PINDA not being aligned
Posted by: @casey-s3

I have this strange issue.  I've had my printer for coming up on 3 years now and have no problems until recently.  My prints started failing so I decided to run a full calibration on it... it failed on the XYZ calibration.  After some googling people said to check the pinda.  after watching closely I'm seeing that the pinda doea not line up on its spot after it auto homes.  Should the hotbed have a little play in that i can wiggle it or should it be firmly in place?  How else can I can i calibrate the home location because it does have enough freedom such that i can position the pinda directly over its spot manually. 

I appreciate your help. 

The axes must be freely movable in all directions and free of obstacles. I would also check the linear bearings and shafts and re-grease if necessary.

Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.

Publié : 18/04/2020 3:20 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: calibration fails likely due to PINDA not being aligned


Take a look to this site:

Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.

Publié : 18/04/2020 3:39 pm
Linux User Group Oberschwaben
Estimable Member
RE: calibration fails likely due to PINDA not being aligned



I had the same issue.

There are two ways to fix it:

1. Upgrade to firmware 3.9 rc1 and do a full Eprom Wipe for the pritner. then do the selfchek again (this is whe homeing ocours)

In the new firmware they changes the possition where the X Axis lengh is measured and it does it above the ridges from the PSU. This way it get the correct mesurement.

2. File of the plastic casing riges of the psu.  Redo the Self check.

I did both and it helped to find the correct homeing point every time.

But for number 2 you do not need to upgrade the firmware. 

Publié : 19/04/2020 9:25 am
Eminent Member
RE: calibration fails likely due to PINDA not being aligned

I recently had issues with calibration and after putting oil on all the bearing rods, everything started working great. If the bearings have to much drag, it for sure causes big problems with calibration. I first noticed this when my print head lost it's position during the 9 point calibration check, before a print starts. It than failed calibration. A little oil and no problems.

Publié : 19/04/2020 9:48 am
Eminent Member
RE: calibration fails likely due to PINDA not being aligned

I recently had issues with calibration and after putting oil on all the bearing rods, everything started working great. If the bearings have to much drag, it for sure causes big problems with calibration. I first noticed this when my print head lost it's position during the 9 point calibration check, before a print starts. It than failed calibration. A little oil and no problems.

Publié : 19/04/2020 9:57 am
Eminent Member
RE: calibration fails likely due to PINDA not being aligned

By the way, I did have to rerun calibration after oiling the rods.

Publié : 19/04/2020 9:59 am
Eminent Member
RE: calibration fails likely due to PINDA not being aligned

By the way, I did have to rerun calibration after oiling the rods.

Publié : 19/04/2020 9:59 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: calibration fails likely due to PINDA not being aligned

trying the re oiling idea thanks for all the replies

Publié : 22/04/2020 6:07 pm
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